This game ran perfectly with no issues or configurations being added. Highly recommend
Honestly, the game ran well, much to my surprise. Played online with no issues for a couple hours. Seems the anti-cheat issue is resolved (for now, as of writing)
Other than the occasional FPS drop and the need to adjust the screen resolution, experience was perfect
on the "Namak" map, inside particular buildings there some rather funky colours/artifacts on very specific textures. Not sure if the problem is actually with linux, or just battlebit. Does not affect playability at all, as this is a minor texture in a non-crucial area
Screen resolution was potato (like 320 x 400) and not usable. This is a problem present on both Windows and Linux. Must change options in config dll file in AppData to your screen resolution, and switch the option to force a custom resolution to 'true'
Sometimes, FPS slows down to about 10-15 frames per second. This is temporary, and lasts about 5-10 seconds
As mentioned, had occasional FPS drops that were not related to hardware capability. Fairly infrequent, and only lasted about 5-10 seconds
Mouse would go off screen onto other monitor. Controller works just fine
Game sometimes crashes on startup. No idea why
Great, amazing game, works well with controller and when it doesn't crash
Mouse would go off screen onto other monitor. Controller works just fine
Game sometimes crashes on startup. No idea why. Happens about 50% of the time. However, once game starts, works flawlessly with no crashing
Had stuttering even on lowest graphic settings; similar to RAM stuttering
Multiplayer does not work. Coop does not work either even if both players disable EAC. Sessions always fail to join or fail to load if one somehow does manage to join
Stuttering would not be acceptable for average user experience. Multiplayer is a large part of the game and the inability to play general or coop local multiplayer would likely also be unacceptable
Game ran perfectly, consistently, through campaign. No complaints or issues
Sound will drive you batty
First ~3-5s of music/soundtrack on loop. Sound effects like lightsabers and blasters work fine
Overall, graphically the game runs quite well. However, the audio is utterly borked
Very slight shadow issue
Very slight stuttering. Might just be ME being an old game though
Sound lacks in videos and gameplay. Exists in startup animations and launcher
slight stuttering
Sound does not exists in videos and gameplay. Exists in startup animations and launcher
Much to my surprise, this game ran extremely well, with DirectX12 turned on. No issues there, and multiplayer worked flawlessly. Played with friends on this setting for a few hours, ran perfectly
Reticle showing hits sometimes fails to show
Reticle sometimes fails to show hits. Otherwise no issues
Slight stuttering on ancient hardware; reticle sometimes fails to show
Only 25% of screen is rendered
The Startup logos work and look fine. The menu only has the top 25% of the screen being rendered. Currently unplayable
The game hangs on boot; cannot play videos
The good: The game boots. If you disable videos, you can get to the main menu. You can load the game and play it ALSO: The DX9 version seems to work well. awesome
The bad: Videos do not work. They are important to the plot of this game. And the meat of this game is plot
With tweaks, one can get the videos to work, as tinkerers have pointed out. But in order for linux gaming to be truly viable, games need to work out of the box, like on Windows
Videos not playing
Gameplay from both the DX9 and DX8 launchers can be accessed if one skips the videos. Gameplay seems alright. Game configuration tools launch properly
Videos, however, do not work. More work/licensing needs to be done in order to achieve this without tinkering
Videos and audio are desynced
Wired xbox 360 controller not detected
Videos and audio desynced
Can run perfectly. BUT a typical gamer would be frustrated trying to troubleshoot intitial startup of the game and desynced video
1: Download "Protontricks" 2: Ignore any warning about a certain directory 3: Select the game (Trails in the Sky) from the list 4: Choose the "Select the default winprefix" option 5: Choose the "Install Windows DLL" option 6: Check the following boxes: a. amstream b. quartz c. lavfilters (Just the one named that. Not the other 0.xx version) 7: Hit "OK" and wait a few minutes as nothing will show up. 8: A Windows installer will appear Go through the installer selecting your choices, or just keep the default options 9: Close any windows after the installer
Technically, it is the video that is out of sync. The video is slowed down compared to the audio. The included protontricks options FIX this problem
The game WOULD NOT START unless the either the "Configure Controller" or "DX8 Configuration" options were selected. Clicking "start game" (after I had changed the resolution for one of the options; not sure if this impacted the startup or not) started up the game properly.
After doing this once, choosing the regular startup options for the game worked just fine
This is a great game, that CAN run perfectly on linux, with configuration. It is crucial that the initial startup options through the configurator menus be used at first launch. It is also crucial to install the aforementioned protontricks windows dll files
amstrea, lavfilters (NOT the 0.7xx whatever, the regular one), quartz
Technically, it is the video that is out of sync. The video is slowed down compared to the audio. The included protontricks options FIX this problem
The game WOULD NOT START unless the either the "Configure Controller" or "DX8 Configuration" options were selected. Clicking "start game" (after I had changed the resolution for one of the options; not sure if this impacted the startup or not) started up the game properly.
After doing this once, choosing the regular startup options for the game worked just fine.
Guide to install fixes: 1:Download "Protontricks"
2: Ignore any warning about a certain directory
3: Select the game (Trails in the Sky) from the list
4: Choose the "Select the default winprefix" option
5: Choose the "Install Windows DLL" option
6: Check the following boxes: a. amstream b. quartz c. lavfilters (Just the one named that. Not the other 0.xx version)
7: Hit "OK" and wait a few minutes as nothing will show up.
8: A Windows installer will appear Go through the installer selecting your choices, or just keep the default options
9: Close any windows after the installer
Installs, DX9 runs, but videos are borked
The good: Game installs. Is bootable on DX9. Can access menus if videos are disabled
The BAD: Videos are borked. Must disable or install tweaks to play. And videos are crucial to this game
If linux gaming is to take off, games must run out of the box with the same success rate as windows
Videos must be skipped to access gameplay
If one disables/skips videos, one can access the gameplay of this game.
Currently, tweaks are required to get a video running. Therefore, this is not an adequate out-of-the-box experience
More tweaking/licensing is required from proton in order to run this game easily
Videos have artifacts possibly due to the slow playback
Videos play at approximately half speed whereas audio plays at a normal rate
Both Proton 6.3-6 and Proton-6.15-GE-2 run this game with about identical results
Artifacts in videos
Videos with Proton 6.3-6 did not play. Videos with Proton-6.15-GE-2 played very slowly and with artifacts
As with Trails in the Sky SC; game would suffer from starting but staying in a fully minimized window; being unplayable
The launch flag with esync needs to be dealt with. Once that's fixed the typical gamer would likely enjoy this game on modern hardware
'PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%' command required. If command is not entered the game will usually crash hard within 15 minutes
So an wireless xbox controller is not compatible; this is likely a problem with linux itself. Using a wired xbox 360 controller generally works. However the game will sometimes have input lag or even sometimes have double inputs; for example if I tap a button once it might actually input x2 or x3 times. This problem tended to be mostly exclusive to d-pad or directional axes
occasional slight stuttering despite lowest graphical settings
'PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%' is required in Steam Launch option for the game in order for game to function correctly
Without disabling esync, game will crash in approximately 15-20 minutes
D-Pad and directional controls would sometimes double input on certain menus
In some areas framerate is a little low (roughly 24 fps) despite lowest graphical settings being selected. Furthermore this is inconsistent; in other areas framerate is much higher
Once ESync is disabled game runs fine. To disable ESync, enter command 'PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%' into the launch options for the game in Steam
Game cannot exit or close itself; process must be killed from activity monitor or Steam