Ran Perfectly

Tried Proton-GE 8-4, Proton Experiemental
audio is just a static crackle, totally unplayable. Using Ubuntu 22.04 with pipewire, other games work fine.

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Only once, I noticed a misplaced texture flickering in the middle of nowhere.
FPS drops to single digit as soon as VRAM is filled
I have seen various reports of large FPS drops after cutscene or playing for a while, and the suggested fix to use low textures.
What I found after testing a lot is that specific settings don't matter. On my system, the FPS drops to single digit when VRAM is filled, and the FPS doesn't recover even after VRAM frees up (e.g. by fast travel to a smaller area like the base).
So, if you encounter this FPS drop, monitor your VRAM usage, and try lowering textures. Medium is enough to not fill my 1050 Ti's 4GB, I can play at 900p 60FPS with medium textures and everything else high.
Finished game without issues
Solid 120fps in 1440p using high settings and very high textures
Some mission objective text is small on the Deck screen.
Occasionally assets loading/displayout out of sync during cutscenes. Some texture artifacts during gameplay, particularly in Shifting Sands.
Default settings are Low and frames capped at 30; I was able to up this to Medium and cap frames at 60 with no problem. Some cutscenes dropped down to ~15 for a moment but recovered easily, and was back to normal when gameplay resumed.
Provided Texture Quality is set to 'Low' (requires restarting the game), yes it plays just fine.
Launch game, go to options and set 'Texture Quality' to 'Low', apply and (very important) restart the game. Game should run just like it does on windows. setting Texture Quality to anything other than low (requires restarting the game) will tank performance.
Set Texture Quality to Low and restart the game, should fix performance issue.
Requires mininal configuration, runs just like it does on windows.
This game has performance problems.
If you whant to play this game in linux you need to play it in low rez if not you get a big deep in performance .. big lag .
Al say this game is not playble in linux .. for the momment.
If the game resolution has 720p limit, you can edit the file: "renderer.ini"
In my case: "~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/537450/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/Microsoft Studios/ReCore/Your steamID Here/renderer.ini"
Maybe the location of your folder is different.
Edit: m_Width and m_Height, If you modify the settings in game you will have to edit the file again.
Works great. Awesome.
The game does not run in a satisfactory manner
FPS drops making the game unplayable.
The only way I manage to run the game with good FPS was by setting graphics to Low preset and resolution to 720p but with my hardware it was supposed to run this one in Max Settings. I tried different Proton version and the best one seems to be the 5.0-10 where I achived 30 fps with Ultra settings but every time I reach a new area in the game the FPS drops again especially on cinematic. After close and reopen the game it works again but a new area will cause the FPS issue again. I got tired after 5 hours of gameplay.

Aside from the cinematic slowdown, the game works and looks great, even an 3440x1440.
There was some slowdown during cut-scenes, but cleared up afterwards.
Be sure to use Proton 4.2-9 as that's the only verson that (in my use case) didn't cause any crashes and/or blocked controls.
Works great! I was had to change the setting, defaults to 30 FPS. Outside of some of the bad defaults it is a fun game!
Runs perfectly out of the box.
Runs perfectly out of the box.
Runs perfectly
As of the latest few Proton updates it's Install and go.

Does not launch for proton newer than 4.2-9
Tested with:
- 5.5-GE-1
- 5.0.5
- 4.11-13
Mouse did not fully work, controller was used.
Videos do not play due to lack of Media Foundation.

The game is running great now with no performance tweaks! I used to have to use tweaks to get this game to work with good performance. The performance is much better than 4.2-1! Right now I am having a issue where most of my Proton 4.11.2 games are not working (even ones that worked with the original version of proton!) so I will test it with a later version of 4.11.X later.

Well let me explain, the game works perfect out of the box, but there are some issues. You can't play with mouse/keyboard, the mouse it's totally crazy and you can't even look around. I played the game at 1080p and ultra settings and all was ok until i finished the first pylon dungeon. Once you've came out of the dungeon the game was totally broken. Fps around 10 dunno why. The only solution i've found was change resolution to 1280x720 and let shadows on medium, after this the game works solid again. That was happened to me.

Played roughly the first hour (ended with clearing the pilon 'dungeon') with Xbox controller which worked great. Performance was very good, no choppiness at all, solid framerates etc.

Had to use 3.16 Proton and install FAudio from here https://github.com/Kron4ek/FAudio-Builds/releases . After that its working like a charm.

Generally works fine out of the box. Great performance, haven't noticed any graphics issues either. Only issue i had was with the mouse acting weird, but Xbox controller worked perfectly.

I use "Wine D3d11" to improve performance! I played through a bit of the first area. This game used to have major graphics issues that made it unplayable when it first came out - Now it is running fine! This is a massive improvement!

Played for about 2.5 hours, game ran perfectly without any problems after using PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1.

Character models work after modification. You need to do the following
- Go to ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton 3.7 Beta
- Find the file "user_settings.sample.py" copy it and rename the copy, "user_settings.py"
- Remove the comment "#" from ""PROTON_USE_WINED3D11": "1","

Most parts of player and familiars missing/invisible. Choppy graphics even on low settings.

Many textures missing/invisible. Choppy and a great deal of tearing despite low settings.

Textures refuse to load for character models. The "-force-d3d9" and other launch options do not work. Also the pause/inventory screen can loose focus of the mouse cursor. Which makes it impossible to go to options or properly close the game.