Alt-Tabbing crashes the game, at least in Wayland, though the fix is simple. Just run in windowed mode and fullscreen via your display manger. It works flawlessly under Plasma 5.27.
Towards the end of the game, especially in Awakening there are a few stutters sometimes, especially if there are a lot of effects running on screen (fire storm, dragon taking off animation, etc.).
The game has a memory leak of sorts and it relates to how many areas you transition to. The loading will become slower between areas until it will eventually crash. Not sure if it's related to the graphical improvement mods that I installed though it's not a huge issue, since it would occur every few hours and if you notice that loading between the areas takes ridiculously long you can just restart the game and the problem is gone.
I managed to finish the main game and all DLCs with no major issue. Modding is a bit harder though, I would suggest setting up a Wine prefix (can also be done via Lutris), different from the main game, where DAO Mod Manager can run since any tricks installed in a Proton prefix will prevent the game from launching.

Mapped mouse and keyboard to steam deck controls
Game runs perfectly. 90fps most of the time.
Some text is small, but still possible to read by default. I increased font size with https://github.com/Lyall/DAFix (configured scale at 0.9) and then there was no problem.
No native gamepad support, so you will need to be comfortable with editing your controller settings to map KB+M yourself. Almost everything can be done with just mouse anyway. My game automatically defaulted to "Khar's Dragon Age: Origins" community layout which I don't recommend because it maps right click to L5 instead of left trigger.
Plays nicely with proton-speedhack if you like being able to play in fast forward.

MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun %command%
I activated the console in "~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Dragon Age Ultimate Edition/data/DAOriginsLauncher.xml" and added a new font to the games config to see the console in game.
After starting the FPS are decreased for ~3 Minutes.
Game crashed regular especially after saving with a regular proton version. Switching to GE-Proton fixed this.

Finished without any problems
Save games importing to the DLC work fine. I didn't have any trouble with the game. From what I understand Proton automatically applies the 4gb patch for 32bit games to the exe so you don't need to go install it yourself. The game does slow down during long sessions but that's not a Proton issue, it's a known error the game has.

It took a lot of tinkering to find that only Proton Experimental works. I normally use Proton GE, but that had the same problems as Wine and Wine GE - moving the camera with the mouse would cause a black screen, and cutscenes would go all black unless I moved the mouse every 3 seconds. Only Proton Experimental fixed this.
If you can't use Proton Experimental, I found that using Gamescope fixed the black screen, but it introduces a new problem I could never figure out - moving the camera with the mouse made the camera spin super fast. It was uncontrollabe, even with the camera sensitivity turned to 0.01 in the settings. To work around this issue, I'd recommend turning camera sensitivity to 0.0, which disables camera rotation via the mouse, and setting up keyboard controls to move/rotate the camera as desired. (Or just use Proton Experimental.)
For reference, I'm using a version purchased on GOG. I used the offline installers, because Heroic was unable to download all the files. So, this is DA:O version "1.05 GOG 0.8". Gog patches enable Large Address Aware support, and limit the game to 2 CPUs for stability, which I believe you need to fix manually with the Steam version. (You might be able to install the GOG patch onto the Steam version; not sure.)

if you're on Arch (btw) you'll need to install physx with protontricks using the following command: protontricks 47810 physx Probably works without protonGE
loss of saves when changing os

I have played about 40 hours on PC, playing on deck is extremely enjoyable when configured comfortably.
Spent some time getting controller comfortable, game runs near perfect.
set back grip to inventory, map, tactics, and pause

enabled developer console via DAOLauncher config file
- DAOUpdater works when you run it via protontrick's "run executable in prefix" option

Expermential woul not launch the game, switched to Proton 7 and the game installed ther dependicies and launced normally afterwards.

It just works OOtB.
Works out of the box, with default Proton.
The only two things are cosmetic ones and look odd:
- Launcher's sound might be borked at times (or a separate window might appear, trying to play a .wma file containing sound)
- The game DLC activation is effed: the game will try to ask you for the DLC CD key, and Steam no longer provides CD keys for this DLC. Just ignore this, close the installer and the game will launch.
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=400 %command%

protontricks 47810 physx protontricks 47810 d3dx9
Concerning WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY - check your cpu number of cores then list them starting from 0. I have 4 so i listed 0,1,2,3

Installing physyx
Game would not start. It always crashed when you wanted to start it for the first time with my CPU. If you have CPU with many cores you will need to disable most of them to properly launch the game. If you enable just 2 cores per CCD or 4 cores or less total that should help you. You can re-enable them again when you initially get to main menu of the game.
CPU_WINE_TOPLOGOLY did not worked for me.

WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=6:0,1,2,3,4,5 %command%
The game struggles on CPUs with more than four cores, but CPUs with E-Cores and P-Cores especially seem to struggle. You need to run the launch command that I provided on an intel 13th-gen i9 for the game to run

Steam version doesnt work. I think it's my CPU
Installed physx
I went through every single comment on protondb and attempted their fixes. The game just refuses to launch, under any circumstances. It crashes after the launcher.
I ended up needing to buy the GOG version and use the lutris script, though I havent validated whether that works yet.
Note: I always use Proton Experimental, not specifically for this title.

Built a radial menu on the left track pad for quick access to the menus.
Set TDP to 5, locked framerate to 60 Hz.
I have my old windows documents and wine directed to that folder, but Proton does not actually use wine config or have its own config to point it to that, so to use old Saves you must either Copy the saves to the drive_c in Compatdata folder for Dragon age (47810) or create a Link folder to your documents this is what i did.
This also applies to modding this game.

Requires disabling all but 4 CPU cores to launch first time. after first launch all CPU cores can be reenabled. and game will play.
Needed to disable all but 4 CPU cores in BIOS to get passed menu and launch game

Launcher runs, but game will not start
Installed physX
Cannot start no matter what I try. Tried launcher options provided by others, tried installing physX, tried experimental and 6.x proton, all have the same problem.

Sometimes the enitre window wouldn't be accessible. Tabing out and back in reset the issue.
The game grew increasingly unstable the further I got.
I installed a few mods directly into the game files.

i just reconfugure save button on more comfortable position. Other buttons were mapped by community layout.
The text in in-game books and notes was difficult to read, so i gave up on deep lore experience. But I'm sure there is a mod which could fix this, I just didn't want to.
The game crushed only for 6 times, which was a decent experience for 2024 run (people on internet always strugle whith frequent crushes and are in need to instal extra mods to fix that, and nothing like that is needed on steam deck). The most crashes were during DLC awekekning, which is laggy AF anyway.
It was my first playthrough and I was expecting a lot of problems and crashing due to internet rewiews/reddit community/my friend's experience. But they were playing mostly on windows pc. It seems like linux experience is something else, especialy steam deck. It runs pretty well on max ultra grafic setting. Battery runs out fast (like I had 2,5 hours of gameplay on fully charged deck) which was a surprise for me, because I was expecting better performance. But I'm sure there are some optimal settings, which make batery life much more longlasting, I just didn't want to search for them.
The game starts out of the box. No other aditional settings are needed, you just pres play button and the game launches itself. Fortunately the game doesn't need additional EA launcher... For more comfortable gameplay I swiched to the community layout and the aditional change of resolution was needed to fit the screen properly. After that you are ready to explore the game world.
I was able to finish the game from start to the final credits, including the DLCs (note that the Awekening dlc is quite buggy) and the game crashed like maybe 6-7 times, so always have a quicksave button ready, just in case.

Installed physx through protontricks
Installed DAO: Ultimate on Steam on Linux, booted to the launcher menu with no tinkering but would not launch the game itself. Installed protontricks, installed physx, game works as expected. Running on Ubuntu 24.04 running Wayland, AMD hardware, Steam flatpak, protontricks flatpak.

parfaitement jouable malgré les crashs.
Le jeu crashe régulièrement lors des changements de zone. Sauvegardez souvent!!
La traduction en français n'est PAS incluse! Installation du patch FR télécharger le patch: https://mega.nz/file/UfoV3ICB#lu4aB1aQb42RyG31dAGz5sOkDxZBPFA6pFI24j3BL04 copier/coller dans .../Steam/Steamapps/Common source des infos pour ce patch: https://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/42-9453-71964645-1-0-1-0-pc-patch-fr-pour-dragon-age-origin-awakening.htm

Worked out of the box on Steam, using the current default recommended proton version (I believe 9.0-2?).
This was my experience when I played it 10 years ago on Windows, too, though.
Can't get past launcher even with variety of attempts to fix PhysX stuff and different proton versions

Out-of-the-box only initial launcher worked. Installing all the redistributables within game directory with protontricks fixed the problem.
Installed all the "*.exe" in /Dragon Age Ultimate Edition/redist/ with protontricks
On KDE with Wayland the game runs many times better than it ran for me on Windows 11.

Functioning launcher menu, but no game
On Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon I've tried different methods of forcing DA: O to install PhysX by replacing the .exe-file with a PhysX installer and then launching the game, but none of the different Proton versions work, whether it's GE, Experimental, current, or older builds.
PhysX is able to install and the launcher works with audio, but when starting the actual game I only get a small black box and a sound notification from the OS that the software has closed down, with the blue "Running" button on Steam eventually stopping as well.

Works well out of the box
Follow the previous reports regarding modding. Fixpacks for the game itself are recommended.

Pretty good overall
In some places there was sound crackling. In some there wasn't. Why? I have no idea. How to fix it? I have no idea. I simply adapted to it after a few hours and didn't notice anymore.
There was a few crashes, but I can't say that it's not a Bioware problem.

Works flawlessly, including modding it the official way via DAUpdater.exe in: /steamapps/common/Dragon Age Ultimate Edition/bin_ship/
GUI method: Right click DAUpdater.exe - Open with ProtonTricks Launcher - Dragon Age Origins 47810 - find and select your mod files (DAZIP) - select the mods and confirm with the install button
Any other mods, like direct .ini edits can also be done within the emulated Documents folder: /steamapps/compatdata/47810/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/BioWare/Dragon Age/

Game works 100% out of the box
Only issue I ran into is the game said you needed a cd key on first time setup, but that is false and also a windows issue. Ignore it and all the dlc will be there.

PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 mesa_glthread=true WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3dcompiler_47=n,b; d3d9=n,b" %command%
DAO Ultimate runs fine at highest settings, with mods many dazip and override mods and I use reshade-steam-proton as well to improve visuals. The game still retains some inherent combat/skill/action lag that is further worsened by mods which tie into event manager engine events...but that's not a ProtonDB related issue. I simply use some discretion with what mods I use and have mostly alleviated the issue.
I could not get the game to run without tinkering - but I have now put in over a 100 hudred hours playing with multiple characters and differnt mods.

Gog version, launched through Non-Steam game. I moved my entire game folder straight from Windows (mods included). Game wouldn't launch with
gamemoderun %command%
Gog version, launched through Non-Steam game. I moved my entire game folder straight from Windows (mods included). Game wouldn't launch without installing PhysX. I did it in the way described here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2780134576
After that, it works great.