Mossy Undead ֍
bash -c 'exec "${@/Chivalry2Launcher.exe/TBL/Binaries/Win64/Chivalry2-Win64-Shipping.exe}"' --gamemoderun %command% -dx11
SMPTE color bars on startup before splash screens, ignorable and minor.
An easyanticheat update kept me from being able to play - disconnected me from server. SOLUTION: Remove the custom launch options!
Game launches fine without custom launch options, does not disconnect from server. Be sure to have installed the Proton EasyAnticheat Runtime in steam.
Worked out of the box on Steam, using the current default recommended proton version (I believe 9.0-2?).
This was my experience when I played it 10 years ago on Windows, too, though.
Launches and connects, but is unplayable due to frame drops, slowdowns, and overall low FPS
DXVK_ASYNC=1 PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Game settles to around 60 FPS with everything low, combined with slowdowns and frame drops. I am able to run it at 144+ FPS on Windows with everything high.
The game itself is fun and runs fine - however, the main purpose of it is to do other things while playing, which is not currently possible
Top of screen (that is meant to be used to browse or do other things) is black
Works great once you modify the desktop size that wine is emulating and disable the titlebar
As suggested by user Paeniche, the following works:
"Run the command: env WINEPREFIX="/DIRECTORY_PATH/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/2666510/pfx" wine64 winecfg
in any console/terminal and change the graphics settings to have proton emulate a virtual desktop of size 1920 x 480 (could not go smaller than 480). To fix the issue with proton not allowing me to make a shorter emulated desktop, I changed the in-game taskbar settings to be 150px and then shortened the virtual desktop.
Make sure to replace DIRECTORY_PATH in the above command with the path to your steam library. Utilize "Browse Local Files" in Steam to find the path"
The "blank space" above the game is rendered as black, requiring the mentioned workaround discovered by Paeniche.