WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/434570/pfx/ winetricks dotnet40
If you want to play, you have to install dotnet40 by using winetricks (or protontricks), otherwise the game crashes after selecting a character. After installing it, the game works fine.
%command% -dx12
The audio sometimes crackles randomly, but not very often.
The textures look blurry at the beginning of the game when using VKD3D (-dx12). It happens only there, the textures look fine later.
You have to either use -dx12 in launch options or switch to Proton 6.3-8 to make the game work. Without it, you will see а white screen in the introduction video аnd skipping will result in crashing your game. I was able to finish the game with minor issues, but it was playable.
I completed the main story including DLCs at 100% with no issues. Experimental is needed for now if you want to play in full screen without a white screen when starting the game.