I spent over an hour trying to figure out how to get winetricks to work and or why protontricks wasn't working as a beginner to linux.
I didn't really notice any problems when playing with friends
if you aren't as stubbern as I am you can give it a try. one thing I should add if your on steam deck and you go off of the guide and pacman gives you trouble about a key ring I think this is the post that helped me with that https://www.reddit.com/r/ManjaroLinux/comments/zly3pc/error_required_key_missing_from_keyring/ I also heard around lutris comes built in with wine tricks so if you know your way around lutris I would reccomend giving that a try.
other than the controls on steam deck it still works just fine even with the gog version. if you have a mouse and keyboard use that
it's just a lil platformer and the shantea games usually run good on the steam deck. should run fine for other distros
Allow tearing Half rate shading TDP limit: 4 watts
moving around in the menus is a bit unprocise with joystick, but is fine with d pad. not game breaking
its just dumb fun. its not too hard so it should be something for everyone to enjoy
its not awful, could be worse
mighta just changed some of the keys
I played on a monitor but even in 800p stuff was still hard to see
think it dipped down to like 40 at worst
not any problems that I noticed at least
I wouldn't say someone playing this is typical but it works straight out of the box
I even tried running a steam rip in heroic launcher and it works fine there too