Opening (totally non-essential) prerendered movie only plays using GE-Proton, albeit without sound. All the rest of the game plays perfectly.
Works great out of the box
I was unable to try it online, but playing the offline mode work without any issues out of the box

Works great with Proton 8.0-3
Previous reports had issues with no audio playing in the intro movie. I was able to get full sound during that time. No performance, video, or sound issues. Worked well!
Slow install size perfect for SD
Works out of the box. I get around 45-55 fps on my hardware on highest texture and medium visual FX settings.
Intro movie doesn't have any sound on both the latest Proton (7.0-5) and Proton GE (7-43).
I don't have any chance to test online play.

Works as expected.
Game ran at a solid 60 FPS,15~16.5whr in power draw. Didn't try online component, not sure there would be many if anyone playing online, cannot comment to trying to use a controller addiontally via USB hub or anything.
Only other comment: first boot was a lil slow to get going, but the game ran fine after that,
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Set TDP limit to 5w pulled 10w instead. default settings in game. 4hr30m, full tdp no limit 3 hours.
Works outta the box. set a tdp limit of 5w. 50% battery length increase. played for an 50m, no issues
Minor frame drops during fights
The frame drops ruin it if you're a competitive player, but is otherwise fine for casual fighting game fans like myself. Had to use GE-Proton to get cutscenes to play.
Intro movie now plays on Proton 7.0 but w/o audio

Runs great out of the box
The intro movie doesn't play as others have mentioned, but most people will skip over it after a while anyway.
Game runs great, near-native performance.
Runs out of the box. Delay based netcode so don't expect great online play.
No Issues OOTB

The game is going very well I have not experienced any problems
The only problem is that in the intro you cannot see it, you must press ESC to skip it

Currently using Proton-5.9-GE-8-ST
Big performance issues. Not suitable for competitive play
The game seems to run well but it lags too much for competitive play.
Works great but the intro movie that's supposed to play everytime on boot doesn't play, which is fine
If anything it actually helps out because now the game goes directly to the title screen after the Marvel and Capcom logos, saving you a few seconds. Game plays as expected. Online is dead however, with barely anyone on. It doesn't really matter though because it's MAHVEL baby. Start working on those combos while you can before MvC4 in 2025 or whenever.
If you can live without the intro movie, it runs perfectly on linux. No issues, or significant glitches to be found.
The intro movie does not play. However, everything else works fine.
Anda bien, en gráficos máximos y FXAAx3
But no problem on high-tier PCs
This may be common to Capcom Games with 60fps being locked. Much slower than Windows
Unable to play movie clips

Almost perfect.
Everything works out of the box, except for video cutscenes.
I haven't noticed any slowdown or graphical degradation. The gameplay itself works just like Windows.

Combat actually runs well, but it doesn't play the videos like the intro

Noticed some blacked out textures in Proton 4.11-1. Adding "PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%" to the launch options seems to fix it. Only other issue is lack of video playback.

Video playback issues, but there's only two cutscenes in the game and they're both relatively unimportant intro videos. Almost perfect out of the box otherwise, Good performance and full controller support. Minor stuttering unless Esync is disabled. Was not able to test MP.

If it has videos I did not see them. Game experience instead is great!

worked perfectly

Game works fine out of the box, except that videos are skipped.

Works perfectly for me. I don't have any audio or music missing, you can see some fps drop at beginning of a fight but it's cache thing, a few seconds later the game runs flawlessly.

launch option: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%".
Change some configuration keys of the "config.ini" file located at "/home/$USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/357190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/CAPCOM/ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3".
Change SLI=OFF to SLI=ON VSYNC=OFF to VSYNC=ON, and RenderingThread=OFF

To make the game run properly, you will have to edit the file "/home/$USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/357190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/CAPCOM/ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3/config.ini". Changing SLI=ON will put the game in the normal speed (otherwise it will run very slow). Changing JobThread=0 and RenderingThread=OFF will almost cut all the stuttering off (because CSMT is already enabled in Proton, so there is no need for these settings). Finally, disable esync (Launch Options = PROTON_NO_ESYNC =1 %command%)

To run the game smoothly, add the following to the Launch Options "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%". Also, edit the file located at "/home/YOUR_USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/357190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/CAPCOM/ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3/config.ini", changing the keys "SLI=OFF" to ON and "VSYNC=OFF" to ON

To make it run with a good performance and almost no stuttering you have to set the Laucnh Options as "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%". Besides and the most important: you have to change some configuration keys of the "config.ini" file located at "/home/$USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/357190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/CAPCOM/ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3". Change SLI=OFF to SLI=ON and VSYNC=OFF to VSYNC=ON.

Runs well out of the box. To tuns perfectly, use PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%