KGB ate my bread
If they already enjoy the game, I don't see why they wouldn't!
My deck is set to 10W TDP, but I didn't go into any menus doing anything.
You have to manually invoke the steam keyboard when naming your character. That's it.
Manually need to invoke the keyboard. Community controller layout is pretty well done. Might get confusing is that right/left click are on opposite triggers of the deck, but this is easily tweaked if you cannot adjust.
From a running standpoint, yes. From a fun standpoint? Unlikely...
I have set a default of 10W TDP for all games I play on the deck.
It works if you're wanting to play this for some reason..
Come on, it's Caesar III, it runs like it should
Widescreen resolutions weren't a thing when this game was developed lol.
Game runs fine without issue. As noted, the resolution of the steam deck isn't quite supporterd but there really isn't any issue
game runs at a solid 20 fps, which is I think how it runs on windows. You will, like you would on windows, need to adjust game and scrolling speed to what feels best.
Lastly, game stands to suck down some juice, 11.5-14~ whr
Would be curious if any of the mods for the game would run
It's a pretty straight forward beat 'em up that aside from the resolution screen on launch, would have passed assessment flawlessy.
On game startup, a window pops up asking for you to chooose resolution and graphic quality.
Requires a screen tap to ultimately get through and to go game.
Game runs fine from what i can see, Anoher 2D indie game that really doesn't challenge deck's hardware. It's a megacat title built in Unity. No real issue imo other than the metacritic score being like 5% lower than it should be in my opinion...
Works/runs great. Might want to tinker with controls, some tough to read text.
My deck is at 10W TDP for all games
Some small text, especially when the game is kinda giving you a run down of your in-game HUD. Not impossible to read, but not easy either.
The text can be overlooked. The game definitely doesn't pop-up with suggested buttons, etc even when using the Steam Deck's controls, so you might want to spend a minute mapping everything to places that make more sense. For instance, both fire buttons are, by default, the shoulder buttons instead of the triggers, something like this should probably be flipped for comfort when playing.
Cannot confirm if there are sync issues. Steam on PC would indicate there are not, but the game isn't wanting to load properly on PC, ironically enough. Funny when something seemingly works better in proton thatn windows 11..
If you really wanna play this on a steam deck... you can
Made my own
A lot of work needed for the thumbsticks to even be right in game. For example, Look up and look Down are key binds... so you'll have to map them to thumb stick up & thumbstick down, and map the center view screen to the right thumbstick click.
From there, it's anyone's guess how you wanna go about this. from what I can remember, there isn't a keybind for next weapon, all weapons were bound using numbers 1-10.. You're going to have to get creative to get all of these in the game..
Best use case for touch input
First game I've played on the deck that really compelled me to use the screen's touch input. Hadn't noticed any issues but do see previous a review suggests changing in game settings? to cap the FPS at 60 to improve performance.
Saw this game just announced full Steam Deck compatibility, forgot to add this report beforehand! Blooops
Works without issue - Controls would take some getting used to,
This game is great. If you search tacticle turn-based games that have come out in since the 2000s, this game will be found on those lists yet it's popularity neer reached that of contemporaries like X-Com or Into the Breach.
All tha aside, the game is fine and most actions in game are handled through mouse clicks or have assigned keyboard shortcuts. the controller layout steam gives you works just fine, it just will take a minute for someone to maybe familiarize themselves as something like the in-game tutorial will still show that all your actions are taken with mouse and keyboard.
Aside from this maybe wonky controller work around, the game is flawless on steam deck.
without the audio, its pretty rough.
no audio whatsoever
i'm sure its fixable
Some FPS dips you will notice, but the gameplay doesn't suffer too much from it
Would see some FPS dips from 60 down to 40, but gameplay wasn't heavily impacted and the duration of the FPS drop didn't last too long or happen to frequently.
I see some control suggestions in the comments I might wanna try if I were to put serious time into this
I was able to join a game on E1M1 and killed the host with a rocket. I actually did that before fixing/tweaking controls to my preferences.
Worked fine! I killed a guy in an online match, and to say I did that from my couch with a steam deck in the year 2022, playing a game I remember first playing some 26 years ago was kind of surreal and just awesome.
Another classic retro-remake running rightfully
This is an awesome sequel to the original arcade/NES title. This game ran fine with issue and didn't seem too heavy on the power draw (sub 6Whr from what I had noticed).
Happy to add this game to the protondb! Really a good title imo.
A perfect 16 bit option for those who might find Emu Deck intimidating
This ran flawlessly. I will say that I had not played any of these titles in some time. that said, in game, you're playing the sega games on a 3d virutal tv and console. IDK why, i thought the game might have frozen when launching a game title on this virtual console, but I think the game just requires a few add'l steps to start playing the game that just aren;t intuitive,
I can safely say that this is more a design issue with the game than the steam deck and prton having a comptibility problem or something.
Seems to work fine minus the one time it crashed. Honestly, could have been a crash on the deck side of things, who knows
I have TDP set to 10W by default
Crashed once in 102 minutes of gameplay. Might crash again, might not?
I'd recommend playing it if it's in your library and you weren't sure.
A good sudoku title that runs without issue on Steam Deck
Game runs fine. didn't see power draw given to the fact that i'm charging rn but i would expect it to sip power.
Works great, just save and exit game before putting the deck to sleep.
I keep it at 10W
Sleep mode might not be too well supported with this title. I feel like I put it to sleep once and it caused an issue with the data for the city I was building, which then became a hole in my region map lol
Game seems to sip power, very portable friendly aside from the save concerns.
have 15-20~hrs in game on the deck.
Overlooked title runs without issue on the steam deck
game ran just fine without me needing to do anything, another happy report.
Again, no real issue other than the text.
I have Deck at 10W TDP
Some smaller text, no option to increase resolution or scaling of the text via in game options.
Like other titles in this series, the performance and gameplay are fine.
I default all games to 10W TDP..
I think the default controls had something set to a shoulder button instead of trigger, hence the control mods
Worked fine, didnt try online
Game ran at a solid 60 FPS,15~16.5whr in power draw. Didn't try online component, not sure there would be many if anyone playing online, cannot comment to trying to use a controller addiontally via USB hub or anything.
Only other comment: first boot was a lil slow to get going, but the game ran fine after that,
I'm saying yes.. but you're gonna want a M&KB hooked up..
10W TDP set
Game managed to download pk3 files for mods from the server I joined without issue
As another reviewer has commented, this game lacks any sort of support for modern controllers. I'm fairly certain this game even predates the Xbox 360's launch, which was probably the first time devs were doing more to add support for controllers.
I'd suggest a mouse & keyboard hooked up to a hub.. Otherwise, you will need to do a lot of tinkering with the controls to get it setup to your liking.
Great to see it works seeing as how their is a native linux version of the game that isn't available through Steam, so that it does work with Proton is nice to see. Would have sucked if it didn't work and that version didn't get released lol