proton-ge-custom 5.9.GE.1.NR-2 GloriousEggroll
proton-ge-custom 5.9.GE.1.NR-2
can't interact with game after it loses focus
cloud game saves not working
Proton-6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
used Proton-6.21-GE-2
use PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr %command% as run parameter to enable dxr.
Will give a warning at the start, just ignore.
nvidia hairworks not working. Causes game to hang after initial cutscene and an in-engine camera downward pan, just before one would be able to control the main character.
with Hairworks enabled, after the initial cutscene, the game hangs in the first scene when the camera does a downward pan, right before one would control the main character. Disabling Hairworks fixes it for me.
%command% +gfxapi D3D12 +sfxapi OpenAL
use command line option
directx11 has bad performance and lots of frame pacing issues, vulkan has flickering. Use command line options to force dx12, best of both worlds, runs a lot better that way.