Pretty stuttery with PhysX

Physx is broken. After a while the game chugs with it enabled. With todays processor power, there is no need to offload the work from such an old game to the GPU anyway.
The game runs perfectly with Physx disabled. Turn all the settings up to the highest for a great 60FPS experience. Set TDP to 9 or 10W to save battery.

Disabling PhysX in the game options helped make it great again
Just disable PhysX - it's literally impossible to play after a couple of first missions because of it

PhysX is on by default and needs to be turned off to avoid performance issues which can be very easily done from the main menu.
Upon first boot it'll get stuck at "Running install script" forever. You have to boot the game up once in Desktop Mode and go through the PhysX installer, but when this is done you can go back to Gaming Mode and stay there.
After all that the game works as expected, though it's worth noting that there is no cloud saves at all.

Started the game in desktop mode and accepted the license agreement of the installer. Physx must not be deactivated in the game settings in my case.
Game must be started in desktop mode to accept the licence agreement of the installer.
Game doesn't work out of the box. It just doesn't start. Seems the problem can be only solved in desktop mode.

PhysX installer either involves using touchscreen or switching to desktop to use mouse emulation
Game lags horribly on the second mission; to fix this, disable PhysX

It runs really well on deck as long as you dont have physx enabled. With physx enabled the game would drop to 4-10 fps whenever the cops started shooting. It ran perfectly once turned off. The default control scheme is a bit weird at first, but is fine once you get used to it - it wasnt weird enough to bother messing with.

Apparently the Physx version is not compatible with SteamOS, and it will not start. Just reinstall the game cancelling the installation of Physx.
The game automatically puts the maximum settings graphics, but a firefight FPS drops to 7, on medium settings I got a stable 60 frames.
Disable NVIDIA PhysX in options to fix this
PhysX is by default on, by disabling it inside the settings the game runs better & more smoothly in physics based scenes (for example you are getting shot at)
In-game PhysX must be disabled to avoid extended periods of single-digit FPS. Otherwise plays great.
Very minor crackling happened once or twice.
The menu text is very low res but readable just fine.
Game turns into a complete slideshow at a certain indoors bullet heavy point early game. The game runs effortlessly at 60fps until then. PhysX needs to be turned off in the settings.
Works absolutely fine on the highest settings until you encounter places where glass breaks. Disable PhysX and you're set. Minor stuttering occurs when being shot at - keep this in mind.

Needed to disable PhysX in the graphics options. (It's stupid because it uses an NVidia only extension for minor visual improvements when glass breaks and emulates it on AMD in a way that gets the framerate into the low single digits...)
In the one-time PhysX installer, steam + trackpad mouse emulation didn't work, but using the touchscreen did.
Tinkering is very minor (in-game settings) but required to prevent extreme framerate drops. It's a pity that the thing you're turning off is also the thing requiring mouse input during first launch...
Other than those brief initial struggles, great experience.
Audio sometimes crackles when resuming from sleep. Restarting game fixes it.
Had very minor glitch once where game ran at 30 fps when loading from a checkpoint, but it resolved upon next checkpoint.
Startet game in desktop mode on Steam Deck in order to be able to click nvidia Physix licence agreement
Had to launch the game in Steam Deck desktop mode in order to get past the nVidia licence agreement
Other than a janky one-time PhysX installer, my experience with Mirror's Edge was pretty much perfect. Solid 60FPS at max settings and no need to rebind controls.