A notable amount of stutter if your city is really large when loading the save, not really that much different from how it starts running on windows
No issues at all running it

Does not work.
I tried several Proton versions and several of the troubleshooting steps in other comments, but I couldn't get it to work. Not sure how this game is labeled Platinum.

-dx12 -resx 2560 -resy 1440 -fullscreen
Mouse Input was ignored
Im using hyprland and, while it launched fine i ended up having to set the resolution through launch arguments and force it fullscreen. it seems to function as intended afterwards, even when moving the game to different monitors

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Windowed Fullscreen, 1440p, recommended settings (FSR, Frame Generation on, Balanced upscaling, sharpness 50, settings are all on high pretty much). I set Frame limit to unlimited, to check it out, since using mangohud to measure FPS.
Zoomed out fully or zoomed in fully still gives 100+ FPS. It was smooth, no visual artifacts.
Used proton experimental.

Tried to match the layout of the first game as best I could
FSR on + FPS limited to 30.
Text is more readable than the first game, but in-game pop-ups often overlap eachother, or don't work well with the steam deck screen size, making things hard to read sometimes.
Had to install the (new, not surw which) visual c++

If you do not install Visual C++ the game will fail to start and give you a warning
Missing Visual C++ out of the box install

Fixed by upgrading Linux kernel from 5.15 to 6.8 (Upgrade Manager>View>Linux Kernels).
Once I did the kernel upgrade, it runs great.

Needed Proton 9 to get it to start, complained about shader versions without that.

Great game but an even greater resource hog
There's audio glitches sometimes, but this is the games fault. Mostly gone after official patches
My PC is close to "minimum requirements" (as of launch) but only manages to run the game at 45 fps @1080p after placing several buildings. My GPU usage is at 99% most of the time playing this and the CPU with PBO enabled is constantly running hot at 75-80 C. This is probably how the game itself performs though and not caused by running it through Proton.

Frequent hiccups

纹理中其余最低 TSR性能模式 刷新率锁50 平常可以稳50帧运行,当画面内建筑稍多会有略微掉帧
the screen has frozen after some event of the game.
I've just turned vsync off. Then, the issue went away.

I have played 30h without a Crash, but since today, Patch? I have frequent crashed, System restarts.

Some performance issues but nothing major.
Works fine out of the box.

TDP - 12w
Native Resolution
All settings Very Low
No Upscaling
12w TDP (3200mhz max with Powertools)
Locked 40FPS

The game sometimes will not detect input when started. To fix this tab out and back in.
Use Upscaling to get playable performance
Sometimes crashes when opening the law menu

Audio issues appear later in the game, likely connected to performance issues
The game runs quite poorly even on recommended hardware, becomes borderline unplayable in longer utopia runs.

Fully playable with default configuration ( Very Low - No FSR ) after installation with an external display (1920x1080), with only occasional FPS drops.

Game works on linux mostly well, but the perfomance leaves room to be desired. Might need tinkering.
Mouse was kinda fucky depending on what proton version was being used. Swapped around between versions and it eventually was fixed
Performance here is more of a constant stuttering when putting the game on higher speeds and gets worse as the game goes on. Early game its non existant but the end game is defined by it. From what ive seen it doesnt happen on windows.
CTD here and there, more than i would deem acceptable

Switch to a X11 session it works perfectly. Under Wayland did not launch at all.
In the last chapter dropped to ~5fps at one point.
Did not work at all in a Wayland session

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Little texture pops but nothing major
Installed the game, started it and played it without any problems, crashes or any other game breaking bugs or problems. Works perfectly out of the box :)

Make sure your drivers are up to date - amdgpu/Mesa. Also make sure you have no conflicting/broken installs on your system.
Clean Linux install with latest drivers, amdgpu/Mesa, made it work with GE-Proton9-13. Before that none of the proton versions worked. Freeze and crash happend after the beginning prologue cinematic. Probably a broken or conflicting install of something.

Works well out of the box.
Note sure if it's a problem per say, but I was expecting better performance given my hardware.
No tinkering needed. Runs as expected.
When first launching I could not accept the EULA notice, the game was not registering mouse input. Restarting the game fixed it.
Works with no issues

DRI_PRIME=1002:73df MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=1002:73df %command%
If you have multiple GPUS (eg. I had a discrete GPU and second one integrated in my CPU) the game might choose the wrong one and either crash or show the "DX12 not supported message"
To solve this problem first run
MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=list vulkaninfo
and then set launch options to
DRI_PRIME=1002:73df MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=1002:73df %command%
where 1002:73df
is the id from the command above
eg in my case the command gave me:
$ MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=list vulkaninfo
selectable devices:
GPU 0: 10005:0 "llvmpipe (LLVM 16.0.6, 256 bits)" CPU
GPU 1: 1002:73df "AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT (RADV NAVI22)" discrete GPU
GPU 2: 1002:73df "AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT" discrete GPU

Menu and prologue function fine, but main gaim with new london crashes after less than 5 minutes of playtime, very suddenly freezing my desktop and forcing me to log back in

Works well if you hardware supports it, other have claimed experimental is needed but I did not run into those issues.
Audio is extremely loud on Linux machines at first, easily tuned in the in-game settings.
GPU is very old so I am not expecting it to play well.
Game would not load at first, tried rebooting Steam and machine a few times and then suddenly it did start working. So keep at it and the game should load.
Installed as normal, but game won't launch.

Just worked. Download, Press play
My machine is better than recommended System requirements, but only achieved 30fps at the start of the game. Frame-gen was unable to activate as well

Worked perfectly exactly the moment it released
I've got a pre-order deluxe edition and already have beaten the complete story without any issues throughout the entire play through. I've done it in one session, took me around 20 hours.