Works fine, no config required, just install and play and it worked just as good as it does on Windows.
After installing the game, steam was able to successfully retrieve my cloud save, didn't realise it had done until I loaded the game up and saw the continue button.
Graphical settings were set to the max they can go in this game at 1440p 144hz and it plays just fine. Graphically I didn't notice any oddities, I think it resembles what you see in Windows exactly.
The only thing I noticed was that the load times may have been a bit longer when loading from the menu into the game proper.
Otherwise it was just an install and play scenario with no trouble.
Some performance issues but nothing major.
Works fine out of the box.
Ran fine without any tinkering. I run everything on Experimental by default and only use specific version if there are issues, there were none for the time that I played. I'll update if any issues arise, but for now, all is well.
Frequent crashes when game has been installed on a secondary drive, game needs to be installed on same drive as OS.
Works perfectly. I noticed the first couple of battles there is some lagging when animations start, but this seems to stop going forward even after relaunching the game. May be shader related. But it does resolve itself.
Ensure that the game is installed in the OS drive and not a mounted drive.
Game runs perfectly for me, even using Vulkan, performance outside of towns is solid. No crashes.
Tinkering = Run on Experimental, but that's how I run all games, not tested anything else. Not had any issues running it at all, no crashes, no graphical or audio issues, alt-tabbing works perfectly, game runs well. Some people reported issues with Vulkan, but maybe that isn't a thing for AMD cards, as Vulkan works just fine for me.
You get to 'Press any Key' and after you do the egg timer loading icon spins for a second and then holds still and the game does not load.
This game worked perfectly previously, not sure what has changed.
The game runs fine but takes 4 to 6 minutes to get to the main menu
This is an amendment to my previous report that stated it doesn't run. It turns out if you wait long enough the game does eventually load. From a little bit of searching around I found other people reporting the same thing, the developers said they're not sure why that happens at this time but it doesn't seem to affect everyone. If you're getting that, just try waiting. The game seems to run fine other than that.
Aside from the crashing the game runs fine, but its so frequent that it gets annoying fast.
Freezes/Crashes every 15 - 30 minutes. In both full screen or windowed full screen. Full screen required me to Alt+F2 and xkill the window.
I experienced the crashing issue on DX11 and DX12, both Windowed-fullescreen and fullscreen. I also tried a few different Proton versions from the Steam properties and still had the issue.
Proton recommended to play this game as the Feral native version is unfortunately not as up to date and doesn't seem to run as well.
I've marked "slight" performance problems as there is a noticeable difference between running it in Windows and through Proton on my Linux Mint system. Nothing too major, still 60FPS, etc, but just not as good as on Windows for sure.
Crackling audio on Proton 7.0-1, is perfectly fine on 6.3-8.
There are slight performance problems but for the most part its fine when using Proton 6.3-8. There were major performance problems including audio stuttering when running on the Proton 7.0-1.
Recommend running on 6.3-8.
Crashed on 7.0-1 multiple times within an hour. Not crashed once in several hours with 6.3-8.
Overall the game is fine. You have to remember that the game is buggy and has performance issues anyway, and not just because of it running on Linux through Proton.
For me at least on Nvidia card using latest driver (though tested on older) running Linux Mint it is unplayable.
I used to be able to play this game on Native and through Proton at around 90FPS in battles on mostly ultra and some very high settings. Recently however this has dropped to now run at below 10FPS. It could be steam, as its since the Steam UI update. I have tried disabling overlay, using native vs proton, changing Nvidia driver, changing game version, but nothing helps. It is now unplayable.
As its running sub 10 FPS it can drop so low that it actually hangs.
Works fine, if this game is barely running or running at around 1 - 10 FPS, and you're using Nvidia 535 drivers, then you may need to install the 525 drivers instead.
On 535 I get 5FPS average in campaign, menu menu and battles. 525 I get around 80FPS in battles. I think there is an issue with Vulkan on those drivers, or at least the Ubuntu packages of that version.
The performance when playing is perfect. For some reason though the mini cutscenes that play before and after a mission (especially before) that show your troops deploying from the dropship lags out to the point you get a couple of frames and then you're in the mission.
Just to clarify its just those scenes. The actual gameplay is silky smooth and I'm playing with graphic settings set to maximum at 1440P.
Native version works near perfect. Just odd lag when going from gameplay to cutscene. So you miss out on seeing your troops deploying at the start, but otherwise runs well.