Menu background replaced by a "test pattern" as the video stream failed to load.
When fullscreen was set to "windowed" game failed to load.
Prologue locks "save game" feature in a misguided attempt to get people to purchase the full game
Somewhere around 1-5 fps slideshow like even at lowest graphical settings.
Going to windowed mode failed to work, requiring edit of config file to return to fullscreen.
1-5 fps even on lowest graphics settings
Add /nolauncher to launch options.
15 fps on the benchmark run, maybe 20 or so in tutorial. Slow to respond to mouse clicks.
When I tried running with vulkan selected in graphics options instead of directx11, it always crashed while trying to load assets. Setting it to dx11 in an ini file got it to work.
Also the crash reporter hung when attempting to report a crash.
Starts up, displays menu, displays loading screen, counts down, but the loading screen never goes away. No way to see what's going on.
Editted config.lua to set to start windowed instead of fullscreen. Could probably have done it in the game itself though. Maybe it didn't like dual monitors, though the menu displayed just fine.
Crashed when attempting to bring up the map view.
Pops up error message saying DX11 required, despite most other games being fine.
Nvidia 650 Ti apparently can't run this relatively simple looking game?
With vulkan, screen goes black after an alt-tab, but good rendering, and good gameplay. With Wine d3d11, alt-tabbing works, but rendering is 1-5 fps. Either way, there's a serious annoyance there.
Starts up, but only displays a window that's all black.
Not much to do without any sort of interface or reaction to keys. Even shift-tab to open steam overlay does nothing.
Use the "d3dx9_41" verb to add directx 9 support the game needs to get past the "black screen after copyright notice" problem.
Requires a large amount of video RAM.
Do make a note of the system requirements on this before purchase, the "4GB" minimum is not a joke. Will not load properly on old/lowmem video cards.
Looks to be a "local server only" game, but it might work if you know someone who is running a server.
Works a bit better with more modern Wine versions. Can start local server, and watch the bots play against each other. Don't have enough desire to try running another client to see if I can join in, but it seemed to be working.
It is free to play, so if you want to try it with a friend, should be no problems now with Wine 7+
Pretty good, though if you see $jd.jd everywhere you need to figure out how to put ucrtbase.dll in the executable directory.
Added ucrtbase.dll to the install's executable directory.
Has some issues working with 2 monitors.
Mouseclicks not always registered properly
Renamed "ShipGraveyard.exe" to "playway-launcher-installer.exe" to bypass a "don't run as administrator" dialog. Also renamed "playway-launcher-installer.exe" to "old-playway-launcher-installer.exe" just in case I needed it, but haven't. Works well on a GTX 980
See "configuration file change" section, I shouldn't have to bypass a launcher to get it to start, but... it works great now!