Runs great during the whole walkthrough

Crashed twice in a playthrough
Had issues connecting to the EA servers through the EA launcher
unfortunately an EA account is required, but works well enough to be enjoyable.

Runs out of the box

gamemoderun %command%
I was able to play with one DualShock 4 controller and one Switch Pro controller at the same time. The glyphs shown in game were for the Switch Pro controller on both split screens, but other than that everything went smoothly.

Worked out-of-the-box
Sometimes after switiching windows, the mouse would not work with the game
Works as expected

Played with PS5 DualSense controller. Worked perfectly fine without any issues.

Absolutely flawless from start to finish
I'm in the EU, played with someone in the US, it played as if we were in the same room.
Definitely recommended for anyone to play. First played it back in 2022 (but never finished it), and now again for completion. Both times worked flawlessly (back then it was even still with Origin, which has been patched out).

Crashes with UE4 "Fatal Error"
Game crashes after pressing any key in the initial menu. Forcing WINED3D11 causes the game to bog down and crash before ever reaching the initial menu. The UE4 crash results in a DMP file and XML file in the user profile which indicates an issue relating to memory access, and possibly the ntdll.dll and kernelbase.dll files. I've tried every reasonable version of Proton (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Experimental), ProtonGE, a lot of different flags and options. It just won't run.

I have been playing with the wife, who is also on a Steam deck, and everything is perfcect on both LAN and internet play.
Works as perfectly as online and LAN play.
All-in-all, an awesome experience on the Steam deck, as well as my desktop Linux install.
Worked with controller + keyboard

I had one problem with an error during a cutscene but after verifying the files it works without the slightest problem
I had to reinstall the game after upgrading Ubuntu from 22.04 to 24.04

Good experience
Multiplayer through steam works fine

controller inputs randomly freeze for ~30s-2min
mouse and keyboard work fine all the controllers regularly freeze (with and without steam input)
I had used Sunshine to play like "cloud game". I just had to start Sunshine server, forward some ports on my router from WAN to LAN, and share my IP. So my friend was able to conect to my machine and we played this game like he is my local

Works out of the box
Now that they got rid of the EA launcher (which was buggy and prevented the game from even starting), the game works perfectly.

WINEARCH=win64 DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command% -dx11
Slow to connect, but it was reliable.
Settings those launch options was mandatory, and I had to cobble them together from several ProtonDB reports. Before I figured that out, the game reliably crashed within a few minutes on two different computers.
Also, I recommend deleting Nuts/Content/Movies from the game's files so you don't have to watch the long opening credits every time.

There were a few disconnects during the playthrough, but nothing that was bothersome.
Played via Friend's Pass (allows you to play It Takes Two with a friend, as long as they already have the full game) with Proton-Experimental [bleeding-edge] in Medium settings, 1080p windowed fullscreen with 60 FPS (some stutterings in cutscenes).
The game is fully playable, no longer needing the EA launcher or anything like that. It was a great experience!

If appliable, disable Steam Input.

mangohud %command%
Have a few drop from EA server, which returns to the main menu of the game.
Runs smooth without any tinkering required.

Works as expected
both Xbox controllers succesfully registered and fully usable in game
No game breaking issues experienced
Excellente, aucun lag du à linux

Game runs really well with the default setup, I recommend playing with 45fps for extra battery life and stability.
Frames would slightly drop on cutscenes when the book appeared, but these stutters would last for a second max.
Flawless multiplayer even when playing with someone at the antipode of my country (12hr difference)
Worked Perfectly.

Especially in the menu some text is really small
Second controller got disconnected and this caused the whole Steam Deck to freeze.
The second PS4 controller got disconnected after few hours and it froze the Steam Deck.

Just make sure you install your GPU drivers & Steam properly for your own distro and you are good to go.
No problems, installed, opened, hosted, played, closed. No EA crashing - let alone any ea window.

At the first start of the game, the intro was stuttering (only video, not audio), but only at the first minute. This issue never happened again.
Using Proton 7.0.6
The connecting player (also linux) struggled with staying connected.

Great game but constant crashes make it unplayable.
EA launcher and game launch behind steam window and have to be switched to.
Game starts playing beautifully, but crashes after 1-5 minutes. Some cryptic C ++ message. Tested on proton 8.0-5, 9.0-1 and experimental.

A little stuttering and frame drops especially in cutscenes
EA launcher is acting weird and it doesn't work well in any proton version
As of this report the game needs to first launch with proton 7 so the EA launcher can initialize -but will fail to run the game. Then it needs to run as a latest proton version so the game can run.
I also had a thing that when there is an issue with my account, like needing to accept new TOS or any BS like that, the game won't launch but you won't get any prompt. I figured it out by mistake visiting the EA site, and logging in via browser, accepted new TOS, game launched. And this happened after i had already launched the game twice!
Other than that i didn't need to tinker with launch options, or anything else. Pretty annoying, that another game is plagued by crappy launchers