On versions higher than proton 8.0-5 the game refuses to launch at all

1600x900 windowed. Perfect and smooth from newgame to the ending.

just works
works great on pc and steam deck. cloud sync works great!

No tinkering needed if you want, the game port optimized for steam deck to get longer battery life compared to other titles.
11 TDP 60 fps outside city, on the city it can tanked to 40 fps due to many npcs some mob battles happen on there.
Using steamos 3.5 preview, cryoutilities, 4GB UMA VRAM. Flawless port, actually have 1280x800 resolution and 16:10 aspect ratio. I lowered to 1152x720 and turn on FSR to get sharper image, due to greyish graphics and little particles there is no downgrade turning on FSR.

60 fps on 11 TDP outside city, on the city fps tanked quite a lot due to many npcs it can go to 40 fps, can achieve 60 fps on city with 15 TDP. Some mob battles do happen on city when there is lot NPCs
Using steamos 3.5 preview, cryoutilities, and 4GB UMA VRAM. Flawless port, The game graphics is greyish and have few particles generally so i lowered resolution to 1152x720 and turned on FSR to get image sharper.
Game works flawlessly; was able to do the first chapter without issues. Performance is so good that I can run it with 8–10W TDP and it'll still play very smoothly, although that's on early game dungeons. I'm guessing performance might vary once there's plenty of enemies and effects onscreen.

Installed GOG installer via Steam's default proton, then added non-steam game from it's install directory.
Again, using the DRM free GOG copy installer exe with 2 bin files, I added the exe as a non-steam game, installed it, then navigated to the folder the virtual C:\ drive installation went to, and mounted that game EXE as a non-steam game, and thus far, I see no glitches. Very happy. As someone who has spent the last couple years experiencing the Ys franchise from Origins to VIII on my Sony Vita, I'm thrilled to have 9 portably now too. So far it seems an extremely solid 60fps on High settings, except for overkill ultra settings which the game warns you about with orange or red text. I havent yet tested those settings.
The folder which Steam installed it to was within home/deck/.local/share/steam/steamapps/compatdata/4045740510/pfx/drive_c/{wherever you installed it to within the installer configuration}
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Had a crash once, an then applied the command PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%, which seems to have solved all the issues (for now)
Played on Desktop (with command) and via Steam Link (before command), both worked fine, game is running very smoothly (only 8 hours of gameplay though)

It freezes often enough to be frustrating
I have to run at 1600x900 to get around 45 average fps on a GTX 970
Occasional freezing that I have to force quit out of even with "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%"

Proton-6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Works perfectly with the Zen kernel
Crashes every 15-20 minutes with the standard Arch kernel. Switching to Zen stopped all crashes.

Proton-6.10-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
The default version of Proton has a problem that no mouth animation is displayed during the conversation. But with ProtonGE 6.10, the mouth animation works just fine.
Use an fsync enabled kernel or disable esync to prevent out of open files error
Run the following to fix mouths not animating correctly in voiced cutscenes:
protontricks 1351630 xact_x64
It needs the following launch option added: PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%. To stop the game crashing.
Disabling Esyc with launch command PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
fixes most if not all crashes.
Sometimes mouth animations doesn't work & remain static.
Installed zen kernel to get fsync working - default esync crashes after about 10 minutes with a too many open files error, even with the recommended open file limit.
Mouth movement seems to only animate some of the time.
Disabling Esync stopped some random crashes. Don't forget to check DefaultLimitNOFILE value. Launch Options used: PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Crashes too often.
Crashes after 10 minutes of use. Same error as my report for the demo.
This report is for the full game.

Tried the demo version. Works great without additional tweaks. Will update the report once the full version of the game released.
Proton-6.10-GE-1 GloriousEggroll

The game is crashing too often.
Note: Playing the demo. The game crashes after 10 minutes of playing. Looking at my log these may point to the issue:
pid 4181 != 4180, skipping destruction (fork without exec?) g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed Protocol error: process 0104: sendmsg: Bad file descriptor eventfd: Too many open files
Mainly running on Proton 6.3-4. I also tried Proton Experimental and the latest Proton GE release at the time of this report. They made no difference.