The game would crash when loading a savefile or new game. I fixed this by increasing the swapfile size to 16 GB. The game works fine now.
Sometimes the roads can flicker or in the distance the world doesn't load properly. This doesn't happen often.
You have to let the vulkan shaders complete. I tried playing without them but the performance difference is huge, much longer loading times framedrops and worse performance.
Letting the shaders complete makes the game feel like native.
Works native out of the box. After downloading let the vulkans shaders compile I had to restart my PC in order to launch the game (because it wouldn't launch). After that it works perfectly.
The game would not start when it was installed on my external hard drive. I had to move the game to my internal SSD to be able to launch, probably an issue with my pc and not the game.
Didn't work on proton GE, I had to use regular proton (v9)
I always try proton GE first but that didn't work, used regular proton which works.
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=70 %command%
You have to use proton GE otherwise the cutscenes won't load properly. Also don't lock your framerate in the ingame settings if the game has a slowdown and goes under the framerate limit you set the game will run into slowmotion permanently. Use a startup command to limit the framerate.
My controller does not work by default.
My controller is not being detected when steam input is enabled on startup. I have to disable it every time the game starts. While in game on the menu steam enables steam input for some reason and then it does work?... I also changed the controls from "Keyboard / mouse" to "controller".
I had no issues with the actual game, just with my controller.
Had to use the following launch commands because it would crash my system. -windowed -noborder -vulkan -refresh65
Full screen on startup crashes my system.
Works out of the box
Had to move the game from my external SSD to my internal SSD otherwise it would not launch. (I've had this before so it could be my pc)