Doodimus Prime
Installed modified .NET version from
(I think this fixes the error message "Could not find part of the path 'C:\users\steamuser\Local Settings\Application Data\Elite Dangerous Launcer _evidencehere")
Proton 5.13 seems to have broken internet connectivity. The ED launcher won't even start with this version of Proton, failing with a message that it "Failed to synchronize time with server". From what I've read, Proton 5.13 requires networkmanager, while I use systemd-networkd. This would explain why it is not a problem for all users. Proton 5.0-10 works fine.
The current Steam VR beta doesn't work for me. It fails to start with the error, "failed to initialize vr mode, could not talk to compositor". It opens and runs fine after switching to the non-beta version of SteamVR.
Jump is very flakey using my Vive Wands, have to press multiple times. Same can happen with the control for ejecting the mag
One or two areas so far have been jittery. Possibly caused by too many fires? Not sure.
Such a beautiful game, seems to work perfectly out of the box. No graphics slow downs or glitches that I have seen.
It's working again with SteamVR Beta 2.5.1. Not sure if that's due to a fix in SteamVR or in Pistol Whip itself. Regardless it now runs perfectly once more.
Runs smoothly on my rather old system at medium detail
You can increase the deadzone in the controller configuration - select the stick, then advanced options and increase it there. I increased it just one notch and the drift is almost entirely gone
protontricks 202170 vd=1280x720
After running the above, the whitescreen problem is indeed gone. Change the resolution in the in-game settings to match your monitor.
Fix: Change resolution to match your desktop using in-game display settings
So pleased to get this finally working. Thanks to barni2000 for the protontricks fix.
Always the risk that an ESO update might break it (was unplayable for ages as launcher got stuck on "Loading" but now runs perfectly again)
Like the report before me, I was not able to click on anything once in the game once past the agreements. I resolved this by disabling the Steam overlay by right-clicking in my Steam Library and choosing Properties...
Posted last report too soon - cannot start game at least 90% of the time
Disabling the Steam Overlay was a red herring. I've only been able to start the game once, every other time it hangs at the login screen.
This game will run natively but I currently get an error because it can't find
This file is actually provided as part of the game install, and to make it find it I added the following as the second line in steamapps/common/XCOM 2/