Works well. Requires "-nolauncher" to launch properly, otherwise you'll be greeted with nothing at all.
6.9-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Unrelated note: I have a 1TB 7200rpm HDD that's broken, and running the game off of that HDD strangely caused the frame rate of the game to stay at 20-15fps, regardless of hardware or settings(happened consistently after 5 years and CPU/GPU/MB/RAM upgrades as well as in windows). I installed the game on my 500GB 5600rpm HDD and boom, over 100fps on ultra without any tweaks nor gamemode.
Works without a hitch, no need for tinkering. 6.9-GE-2 seems to fix mouse stutter with high mouse polling rate.
6.9-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Unrelated note: I have a 1TB 7200rpm HDD that's broken, and running the game off of that HDD strangely caused the frame rate of the game to stay at 20-15fps, regardless of hardware or settings(happened consistently after 5 years and CPU/GPU/MB/RAM upgrades as well as in windows). I installed the game on my 500GB 5600rpm HDD and boom, over 100fps on ultra without any tweaks nor gamemode.
Works almost perfectly.
Sometimes fonts may get a bit messed up, especially at lower resolutions. Game takes a little bit to come back, never more than a minute, if you alt-tab.
Works well enough, very much playable despite a minor issue. Does not work with Proton Experimental, had to use 5.13-5.
Game itself runs fine, but frames crawl down to single digits when changing character or their loadouts.
needed protontricks, otherwise it gave an error upon launching, other than that it works great
gamemoderun %command%
protontricks 427520 d3dx9 d3dcompiler_47
Works well enough out of the box but performance will be bad using ACO.
Stretched white triangles occasionally appear, similar to the kind you'd get for a unstable GPU OC. Don't use this game to test your OC.
ACO has performance issues for some reason, use "RADV_DEBUG=llvm %command%" if your drivers default to it.
Occasional stutters when not using ACO, did not occur as much with it but it's a fair trade-off for the massive gains I got after disabling it. Ran at high settings 720p at a locked 60fps, could've easily gone higher on the settings.
gamemoderun %command%
Works great with Proton GE 9-23, using 9-25 causes it to crash with the anti-cheat saying there was a suspicious program running.
crashes saying amd gpu drivers are outdated
had to use protontricks to install vcrun2012 and dotnet472 and use proton 5.0-10 to make it even display anything, even then it refuses to launch properly due to being unable to detect drivers trying to spoof an nvidia gpu using dxvk.conf dxgi.customDeviceId = 1C81 dxgi.customVendorId = 10DE did nothing
protontricks 8190 dlls d3dx10 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 Use a cracked .exe, but not the cracked .dll
Performance seems a little worse than native, but not significantly. May be because of poor threading on the game itself.
If your controller disconnects, you'll need to restart the game. May become frustrating with poor wireless connection or bad cables.
Works beautifully out of the box. Needed to use Proton 4.11-13 or protonfixes win7 for multiplayer to work, either solution works.
protontricks 275850 win7
This game is the first one where I really felt the issue with mouse polling rate (https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46976), as ship movement requires long strokes. Lowering the polling rate from 1 (1ms,1000hz) to 2 (2ms, 500hz) fixed it.
Game is strangely temperamental, sometimes it'll be more stable than the windows version should be, sometimes it'll crash shortly after loading a safe.
Occasional Z-fighting in DXVK
Certain levels crash with DXVK unless textures are on Medium rather than high.
It's a mixed bag. The game, with proton and Dxvk, still gets some slowdowns for some reason, and crashes at very specific points if textures are set to High. With gallium nine, the game works perfectly; the crashes on certain levels disappear and the game runs pretty much as well as it would on windows natively. However, when I try to use super blt and gallium nine together, the game stops working. There might be a way to make it work, but I have yet to find it.
6.8-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Freezes on animation and fullscreen UI elements, this is easily fixed by alt-tabbing out and then back into the game.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%, steam overlay off
coherentui runs like garbage, game framerate is good but controlling units and whatnot has a noticeable stutter
looks like the game freezes and needs to be restarted after every match
Requires a very specific setup, which is comprised of: Proton 5.0-10 and the command line PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% --coherent-options="--renderer-process-limit=3"
Very mild texture artifacting, very occasional and barely noticeable.
After each match, the game will not return to menu, you have to close the game by alt-tabbing and using the "Stop" button on steam or a task manager.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 is required to run, --coherent-options="--renderer-process-limit=3" (the "s are necessary) will limit CoherentUI to only spawning 3 rendering processes, otherwise it will go absolutely nuts and tank your performance by spawning upwards of 30 processes in very rapid succession, none of which are closed at any point. You can replace the 3 with the number of cores you have -1 to attempt to improve performance. With these command line arguments the game is playable for a single match, after which it will refuse to return to menu. Game is still enjoyable despite that.
Doesn't work, shows up some text and some logos but won't go farther. Don't bother trying just yet.
Segfaults. Tried proton experimental, 5.10 and 6.3, none worked. Commandline arguments made no difference. On github(https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4793), valve's said "it looks like VKD3D needs to mature some more." so there's probably no miracle you can make to run on any current version of proton. Hopefully won't be long until we get some progress.
That was short lived. EAC worked for around a day, miraculously and magically, and then after that it just went back to business as usual.
EAC worked for around a day, then Epic noticed their mistake and promptly broke it. Played a full hour when it worked, now it kicks me after 2 minutes with the error "authentication failed".
Works perfectly out of the box.
I have not spent much time nor tried multiplayer, but at face value the game works fine.
Pentium Dual Core might not be enough for running this game. I did not quite expect it to perform so poorly nor the crashes.
Game slowed down further and further, eventually freezing the CTDing. Tried disabling fsync and enabling LAA, to no effect.
Proton Experimental seems to fix uPlay/Ubisoft Connect activation issues. Before switching to it I deleted the compatdata prefix several times so that might've had something to do with it.
Works perfectly out of the box, campaign is completable without a hitch. Multiplayer is jittery, but that's fixed nicely by Feral Gamemode.
Runs alright out of the box, there is room for improvement however.
Framerates get choppy sometimes, but nothing unplayable.
Game sometimes freezes. It may or may not return after a few minutes.