Switched to 40 refresh
Got stuck in combat waiting to be released from room with no enemies to despatch.
Works just fine but a bit of a battery hog
Dropped refresh and framerate limit to 40 in an effort to stop the fan from blowing
Changed refresh to 40 to slow fans down
Tricky search on the small screen. I ended up using Steam+L1 and turning the brightness up.
Small red text in-between missions is tough to read on deck but not that important so squint or ignore it.
Configured long and short presses on left trackpad to control grouping.
Just an issue with videos not playing I think. Don't know what I'm missing but game seems good all the same.
Videos may not have played. Got a test card style image but game resumed after briefly showing the test card.
Puzzle logic seems broken if using standard Proton so I used experimental and that appeared to fix it.
Froze immediately on launch with any proton version I tried. Just a yellow icon shows at the bottom of the screen.
Sort out the controls and you're good to go
Bound ctrl to left trigger
On SD doesn't work with Proton 7 or experimental currently. Others seems to have had success with some further tinkering on PC.
Small text on initial menu
Worth A Look
Some weird glitchy textures in the distance.
One very long pause that made me think it crashed. It recovered and ran fine after that.
Some glitchiness on Steam Deck but not nearly enough to spoil this brief and simple game.
Doesn't launch. Tried a couple of different Proton versions and no luck.
Experiment to Improve FPS
Limited FPS and refresh. No effect.
Low frame rate
Works but FPS too low for me. Might be worth some experimentation.
If you can put up with dodgy aiming or fix it then it's a good time.
Tried to improve aiming with limited success
Disabled back grip buttons.
Works great
Some audio disappeared once when resuming from sleep on the deck. Presume this is a deck issue rather than the game.
Nice short game. Some small text but still legible.
The text for the attack descriptions was small but still legible.
Changed button mappings. Couldn't get panning down working on dpad.
40 refresh 40 fps
Switched to 40refresh 40fps
Text is slightly too small for me. Could do with options for the size.
Slight artifacts on one of the building flags is all I have seen
Works just fine, very playable. Doesn't appear to report playtime properly in Steam.
Works fine apart from crackling music.
Crackling appears to be related to the music. However, if you turn off the music you don't get the audio on the FMV.
Works as is
Experienced a freeze on the video the first time I ran the game but seems to be fine now.
Doesn't work properly with default settings. Might need to try GE.
Works fine if you're happy with mapping to keyboard controls. SD controller not supported for now.
Remapped a bunch of stuff to use keyboard rather than gamepad which is not working in V10 on Steam Deck.