Working with tweaks.
I made it run but with the tweaks commented in here. Proton 4.11-13 run. Proton 5.0-5 run. Archlinux + kde up to date today. Nvidia 780ti with this list of packages.
local/lib32-nvidia-cg-toolkit 3.1-7 local/lib32-nvidia-utils 440.64-1 local/lib32-opencl-nvidia 440.64-1 local/nvidia 440.64-9 local/nvidia-cg-toolkit 3.1-5 local/nvidia-settings 440.64-1 local/nvidia-utils 440.64-2
Works out of the box.
EAC works fine here.
Runs fine "VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.i686.json:/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json %command%".
1)PROTON from steam wasn't able to login Java Script error. 2)Lutris worked out of the box. 3)PROTON-GE from Aur is running perfectly.
It crashes from time to time.
At the very first start the game will be running but maybe you will see the screen black, for fixing this press "alt+return" to make the game windowed, then click on the game and then press the shortcut for resizing a window to full screen. For instance I use I3, and it will be "alt + return" ( game windowed ) - Click on the game - "mod + f" for resizing the game to full screen.
Runs out of the box, playing online with PS4 joystick.
Works perfect on ArchLinux with Kde Plasma proton 5.0-9 steamplay and the launch option "PROTON_NO_GLSL=1 %command%"
Runs fine, i have ArchLinux with KDE, first run problem with voices fixed creating the symlinks listed on several comments here, on the first run i have some glitchs, but before installing xboxdrv and faudio with the symlinks it run so smoothly, 55/60 fps with all the setings on HIGH.