Runs perfectly with SSAO on (minor graphical issues with some distant lights with it off, which I think was the default). Controller worked fine too.
Native linux version does not work, stops on 'now loading...', unity log suggests it is missing assets.
Launch options: PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% or menu text may disappear and may crash on dying or moving to next area.
mf-install required for career mode, startup video and character videos. You can play a quick race without it.
fullscreen (F4) has a slight resize twitch on advancing dialogue, maximised window is ok
if advanced lighting is on in the options the scene outside the girl's house is very slow
Does not load because of EAC, launch option needed to bypass the launcher and run without EAC
Did not try mulitplayer, assumed it will not work without EAC.
All sounds are equally very loud with clipping and distortion. Cut scene did not play. Could not reload the gun. Not sure if these are proton issues.
Launcher does not work, but you don't need it. Game itself is almost perfect, 2 or 3 points with black textures on insignificant detail, credits do not show (black screen with sound) at 4k. Edit steamapps/compatdata/225080/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/UnrealEngine3/P13/Config/P13Engine.ini, ResX and ResY to set resolution if required (it defaulted to something odd with black bars at the sides).
No, or yes if you can tolerate the word wrap issues, or find a way to change the font.
intro video does not play (nothing significant, untranslated, mostly the same as store page trailer). Font used by Proton is wider than MS Gothic on windows, causes bad word wrapping on some long lines, last few letters of some words are on the following line on their own.
windowed mode is 1280x720
yes/no confirmation buttons are misplaced in fullscreen, thin horizontal lines that are not present in windowed mode
word wrap problem previously reported is fixed
Controller does not work properly, keyboard and mouse is fine, wheel with FFB works (requires some trial and error to set it how you want) but you won't be able to aim.
Hangs on second launch unless windows accessibility settings in compatdata/1259420/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/BendGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini are removed (probably leaving an empty file) and the file made read only
Edit steamapps/compatdata/211400/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/UnrealEngine3/LOTDGame/Config/LOTDEngine.ini, under [SystemSettings], set DepthOfField=False to get rid of white triangle noise.
menu missing background image, freezes starting a game when it should play intro video, alt+f4, restart and continue from after the video, when you get control you can move the camera around but can't do anything else.
The default font is missing a musical note character (shows as a square), this can be changed in the config menu to something else, eg Deja Vu Sans. Other than that, no issues in the first hour or so.
If window resolution does not match desktop resolution yes/no prompts on save and exit are misaligned in full screen, click somewhere around the middle of the screen. No crashes or rendering issues, only played up to the end of the first day.
No longer crashes after first level with proton 5.0, played up to arriving at the satellite chalet
Requires https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install to view memories
Native version works but has no sound. You are not really missing anything worth hearing.
I used the 'play in fullscreen mode' launch option. Worked fine with steam controller, only needs left stick, ABXY and left bumper by default. Controls can be changed in the menus, didn't try keyboard.
OPENSSL_ia32cap=0x20000000 %command%
seems to trigger repeated reenumeration of input devices (specifically Logitech G502 receiver) for about 15 seconds before starting
Intel 10th gen or newer need the OPENSSL_ia32cap=0x20000000 %command% launch option
A few instances of black squares in isolated spots (gas station, start of chapter 2). Performance is ok, not great, high load and temperatures.
Crashes at start by default because of .net. First you need to re-install wine-mono into the prefix so that it can be uninstalled straight away, then winetricks dotnet40, otherwise winetricks will not remove the bundled wine-mono, and .net installer will refuse to run because a newer version (ie wine-mono) is already installed.
Played a few races against bots. Performance is good. Controller detected correctly. No humans to play against to test multiplayer.
starts with a black screen where you might expect an unreal logo, press enter to continue
Requires desktop resolution of 1920x1080 or some parts are half off-screen (same on windows), Requires launch options: PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% or you will have missing/black graphics at some points. Controller works fine, for keyboard controls see 'view the manual' link from steam store page
Runs if you bypass the laucher, set launch options to %command%/../Binaries/Win64/WoolfeGame.exe Minor ground texture issues only at the start of the forest.
black screen
black screen (if you say no to wine tweaks) or tiny black window (if you say yes to wine tweaks), can hear the mouse moving over menu buttons but can't see anything.
Crashes instantly on a 4k screen with a memory allocation error, create settings.ini in the game folder with [Settings] ResolutionWidth=1920 ResolutionHeight=1080
font rendering is broken, missing first capital letter of any words
eden* by the same developers had the same issue in the past but was fixed either by a game update or possibly a proton update
Previously reported text problems were fixed in Proton 5.13
right click menu does not work in fullscreen
After 10+ hours there is an important video(wmv) that does not play, you get audio but no image or text. If you don't understand what is being said you are missing the story.
font rendering is broken, missing first capital letter of any words
Same issues with both ef games.
Completed including chapter X without any problems. Do not set in game resolution above 1920x1080 or some parts will not render correctly (not a proton problem, reported by windows players too).