Jano Haluska
bash -c 'exec "${@/2KLauncher\/LauncherPatcher.exe/Build\/Final\/Bioshock2HD.exe}"' -- %command%
It did not run out of the box, I had to add the startup parameters as other reports mentioned
DXVK_ASYNC=1 bash -c 'exec "${@/2KLauncher\/LauncherPatcher.exe/Build\/Final\/BioshockHD.exe}"' -- %command% -nointr
Does not start without adding launch parameters
Sometimes one Vive VR controller was not recognized
Network play was not tested or does not work, never found any players online. Practice bot multiplayer works. Rarely observed performance drops.
VR 3D adventure/discovery/puzzling with a bit of thriller. Nice environments to explore in 3D. Swimming adds a a nice feel to VR.
Fixed by decreasing graphic details in game menus.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES=”xaudio2_7=n,b” PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Shadow flickering
Fullscreen lockpicking does not work in some setting aspect ratios.
Displays two creator logos, and then black screen with mouse cursor.
Great platformer, very long, in some cases very hard but rewarding with rich graphics, music, storyline and features.
After about two hours of playing the game gets choppy (only restart helps) or distorted blocks appear (changing fullscreen to windowed helps).
Shows logo and then BadImageFormatException and I don't know to continue.
Nice immersive VR playground.
Sometimes could not move out of my dorm room. Restarting game is quick, and it solves the problem.
Not much to play, just a interactive video with some shooting of fireballs.
Perfect game to feel the VR, probably because you play VR in VR.
Audio was missing when app focus was lost. Minimizing all other windows solved this issue. Sound works fine. Common problem for all VR games.
Inside menu and office VR is choppy whne turning head. In the gameplay it is not, playing game is perfect.
Suggested as a starter game for VR, it felt great, with good tutorial levels and a lot of action!