Works out of the box, which is mighty impressive for a new game.
Flickering textures
Played it for a few hours until I had a single crash. All problems experienced are identical to those reported on windows, so whatever problems there are, they are "new game" related rather than Linux related, except that I cannot switch to fullscreen so that I could lower resolution since my 8-year old graphics card can't handle 1440p.
Running it in game mode is mandatory because its CPU hungry, which is again nothing different than how it would be on windows.
eval $( echo gamemoderun "%command%" | sed "s/launcher-se\/Paradox Launcher.exe'.*/AOW4.exe'/")
Paste the launch options I'm using to skip the paradox cancer launcher. It will net you 5-15 more fps. Other than that it runs faster than on windows for me since I play on low-end hardware and have more system resources available.
Not all resolutions are available. If your monitor is between 1080p & 4K, or is ultrawide, you need to tweak the config file, but runs AOK.
1440p resolution not available. You can input it manually by first running it once, then going to "SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1373550/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/BloodRayne2/settings", you find the file named "rayne2.ini". Inside that config file you can manually input any resoultion by changing the values "gamePIXX" for width and "gamePIXY" for height.
Alt-tabbing may occasionally cause odd graphical distortions.
No mouse in main menu. Can't remember if this is "normal".
Should have run quite a bit faster 1440p without AA on a gtx 980, but I'm still getting 40fps...
If you can't set the resolution in game, then manually set the game resolutions in
compadata/24790/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming/Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars/Profiles/[your_username]/Options.ini
under the line "Resolution", change it to the width and height that you want, sepparated by a spacebar.
Works only with the listed proton version. I get a black screen if trying to set the resolution in-game, I went around that by setting the resolution manually in the mentioned config file. If you want to use mods, then use this guide:
Flawless performance. Can't even tell that its not running on windows!
Runs absolutely amazing! I am truly shocked just how far linux gaming has come to run AAA titles like that. Audio crackles a bit, but that's probably because of my 8-year old worn audio port.
Runs faster than on windows, except for the typical Bioware cutscene issues. The EA app is acting out, while its annoying, it can be fixed!
gamemoderun %command%
Alt-Tabbing the game causes all kinds of jankiness. On principle it doesn't work at all unless you have something else open in the background while you play.
Custenes will suffer from occasional terrible performance drops. It is completely random. The same cutscene may be okay the first time, but stutter horribly the second time or vice versa. The cutscene fps fix, meant for windows, cause the game to crash on startup so no luck there.
The game runs faster than on windows, but like all Bioware games on Linux, the cutscene stutter may cause your eyeballs to bleed on occasion.
The EA app is a cancerous abomination that has no business existing even on windows computers. It fails to launch the game properly, and once it does, only a full system restart fixes the problem. If you're a power user, you can back up your save files, and detele the compadata for DAI, forcing steam to reinstall the EA app. That will give you a few days peace to play before it starts up all over again.
If the game doesn't launch anymore or if the EA app starts acting out, this is what you must do to get it going again.
gamemoderun %command%
Some sort of update was pushed out by steam, which means my previous advice won't work anymore. First you need to switch to proton 7.0.6. Then find your steam folder and go to "/steamapps/compatdata/1222690/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/BioWare/Dragon Age Inquisition/". Copy your save folder somewhere else, then go back to "/steamapps/compatdata/1222690" and delete everything inside that folder. Run the game once, this will force it to reinstall all dependancies. After the game has launched close it. Then you go to the "Dragon Age Inquisition" folder again, and delete the save folder and replace with the backup you made before.
I'm afraid its the only way, and you will have to do this once or twice a week, but it does work. On a good note, performance has improved slightly, and your cutscenes won't stutter as badly if you turn off vsync.
No problems whatsoever. Even got Vortex working and installed ~100 mods without any issues or atypical performance loss.
A Lutris Install script was used for vortex mod manager
Everything works just like on windows, even mods. Lutris has an awesome install script to get Vortex mod manager working. Its pretty much completely automated, and there are also guides on most social media platforms to correct any issues that might arise.
For some reason, the game just won't tap the full power of my hardware, and its hurting performance severely!
gamemoderun DXVK_ASYNC=1
Starts Minimized and unresponsive. Have to Alt+Tab & wait a few seconds to actually see the opening cutscene.
The game runs smooth like butter on windows, 1440p, high settings, at least 30fps guaranteed. On Linux, not even 1080p, medium settings can keep it above 30fps. There is also massive input lag.
gamemoderun %command%
Crashes on autosave sometimes.
I have to remap camera controls to WASD each time I launch the game.
Disable autosave to avoid crashes. If you use WASD for camera, you will need to remap those controls on every play session, even if the menu says they're already mapped to it. Other than that, you can't even tell its running on Linux.
1080p, max settings (except no msaa), advanced settings off, 40+fps on a 10 year old pc. Nuff said.
No difference between 1080p and 1440p
Playing this on Linux seems to be costing signifantly more system resources than most other games. But nothing so severe that it would render it unplayable.
A bit crash happy from time to time
Running this game on Linux costs more performance than usual, 1080p with FXAA looks better than 1440p without it. No idea why. "gamemoderun" argument is mandatory if you want ot mitigate that.
My PC is twice as old as the game, and it still runs it at an acceptable framerate and quality.
gamemoderun %command%
10 fps on cutscenes but not on dialogue
5-10 fps lost for running on proton, otherwise nothing that would completely ruin your experience.
Use proton experimental, and don't use any other argument than "gamemoderun", otherwise you risk the EA app triggering DRM!
I was forced to manually migrate saves when switching to Proton Experimental because previous versions caused the EA app to malfunction.
In ME1, some cutscenes lead to a CATASTROPHIC drop in performance, only a full game restart would fix the issue. ME2 is better in that regard, but some dialogue still causes performance to drop. Other than that it is fully playable.
The window manager repeatedly claims that the main menu "is not responding", when in fact its running perfectly fine. Just ignore it, it will go away as soon as you launch any of the games. Some of them may start minimized, which is completely okay.
the EA app no longer correctly supports any version of proton 7.0.5. or older. Its extemely sensitive to any argument, other than "gamemoderun" or maybe "%command%". Pretty much anything else may trigger it to fail via DRM management. You must use Proton Experimental.
5-15 more fps than on Windows, but with some caveats
Some trees and bushes flicker between their green and withered textures as I moved the camera
I got significantly faster performance than on windows, but when I first load a savegame it stutters very badly until all the textures are completely loaded in. There is also some stuttering when loading new textures as I move around or I fast travel. Fullscreen makes the problem worse, so I have it set to borderless window. Alt-Tabbing will sometimes "snap it out" of the stuttering.
On rare occasions the game crashes or freezes completely. There appears to be no discernable trigger to it.
I rate these as minor inconveniences that don't affect the gameplay very much as long as I am patient and give the game time to load everything in properly. I've also tried running with game mode and it makes no difference.
Runs even better than on modern windows!
Crashed only once when dying in creature stage, which is much less than the frequent crashes on modern windows.
Some claim it doesn't run at all. Try setting manually to Proton 6.3-8. Otherwise runs faster and more stable than on windows where I had frequent crashes. Even had missing grass textures, but here, everything is fine!
Mods will crash if you change the "data collection" option while having saved games. Don't ask me why. The latest kernel update also causes crashes with "previous" patches applied by users. You will have to reinstall the game and start the troubleshoot all over - sorry.
Game will crash when or soon after then next music track loads in. "Sort of" fixed by the guide I put together.
This fix does not require protontricks to be installed or any radical surgery to be applied:
Run space engineers once using proton 5.0, then close it.
Open Terminal
sudo winetricks --self -update
WINEPREFIX="your/steam/directory/here/pfx" winetricks --force -q dotnet48 vcrun2015 faudio d3dcompiler_47 (make sure to add "pfx" to the directory command)
Close terminal when its finished
add -skipintro to the launch options
Run the game using Proton 6.3
Turn vSync on in the graphics options - this is a MUST. SE wasn't stable with vSync off even on windows.
If you use mods, never EVER change the "data collection privacy" option because then the mods will crash on a loaded save.
Some audio will be missing, but nothing critical, and it may still crash occasionally, it will also twitch a little for a minute or two after you load a game. Generally it can be played with a good experience.
Proton 7.0 official is out and its time to upgrade the game's rating!
Pretty bad framerate drops when in bad weather with artificial lights. Recommend lowering shader setting 1 point lower than normal.
If you played before with an older/custom version of proton, then you need to have steam verify the integrity of game files. Also, Protontricks/Winetricks may possibly not be needed anymore.
Cinematics still don't work so you might as well use "-skipintro" in the launch options.
If you have audio problems, then use "DXVK_HUD=full PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60" in the launch options,
Half the expected performance compared to Windows, if you have a strong pc, you can play without tinkering.
gamemoderun WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 %command% -skipintro
Severe performance drop on anything other than fullscreen.
Will run at half the usual performance unless certain steps are taken to mitigate it.
Everything works as intended on Proton 8.0-2, except you lose a lot of performance. You need to mitigate it with some tinkering:
- Follow this guide to install "Mono": (foss alternative to dotnet).
- Follow this guide to install GE-Proton: (make sure to get version 8-3).
- Launch the game using my launch options, set your game resolution below native
- Make sure it's set to fullscreen (not windowed fullscreen), setting that option alone will restore half the lost performance.
- Turn off vsync and fxaa, let FRS handle upscaling & DXVK handle syncing. It will work even on Nvidia cards as long as drivers are properly installed.
- Disable adaptive "simulation quality", either when starting a new game or edit your savegame.
- Roughly once every hour it will slow down the sim speed for no reason. Just return to the main menu and reload the game.
Whether you will follow my steps to get more performance or not, mods & scripts will work in either case. Game will also crash on random rare occasions.
It is one of the few games that runs vastly superior that on windows. It loads in 10 seconds while on windows it was over 2min if not more..
Game may stutter significantly sometimes when loading a savegame. This is due to to snycing with your paradox account. Log out from your paradox launcher just prior to launching the game to resolve it.
Use gamemode to boost performance, but its otherwise a beautiful experience!
If you follow my advice, you can still have fun playing
Unusual grid lines visible on some parts of the map
Saving mid-game doesn't work at all. Saving on the campaign map works normally. Recommend You keep the game running paused in the background if you have to stop in the middle of a map session.
When launching the game, OS claims that the application is frozen and not responding. Just wait it out, it is loading normally.
Runs faster than on Win10, especially during big waves.
Minor visual inconveniences, but there no performance loss or failures of any kind.
Some sort of lines are appearing on the floor, sepparating ground textures
Windowed mode causes my desktop to constantly report this game as not responding even though it is running, fullscreen starts it minimized but works properly.
Missing text. Install "gdiplus" using protontricks or winetricks
The missing text doesn't bother me so I never fixed it since I already finished the game once on windows, and you also don't have to. You can read all the broken newspaper articles online, so you stand to lose nothing.
Some larger battles can last a long time. Having to repeat the exercise due to regular crashes ruins the experience.
Crashes mid-battle. Nothing really helps.
Its a pity because it both loads and runs MUCH faster than on windows. I will have a go at its remastered prequel.
PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Does not save the graphics settings.
It was a hassle to get going:
Firstly I had to upgrade my graphics drivers to (Nvidia) 535.
Then I had to try different proton versions. Only proton 7 doesn't crash in anything other than the main menu, and only if I launch with the afrementioned custom parameters.
It no longer crashes DURING battles, but it has a propensity to crash after a turn or when loading a battle. It still crashes sometimes when a new turn is supposed to begin or a battle is to load.
It no longer crashes in the middle of a battle. I'd call that an improvement since I no longer have to repeat some battles several times, albeit its a minor one.
The game no longer saves any changes you make to the graphics settings, it however defaults to some very high ones, which I am okay with.
You don't have uncheck all the DLC anymore when running it for the first time. Runs just just fine with one minor issue.
After a while, the game freezes just before a random event pops up. Either Alt-Tabbing or waiting it out resolves the issue.
Runs fine if you've got the patience to wait out those random freezes, since they don't last long at all. Increasing the "visibility distance" to ultra causes the game to take a massive performance hit, which didn't happen on windows. Other than that the performance is as good as I remember it being on windows.
It just will not boot.
In spite meeting minimum system requirements, and having all the prerequisites, the game won't launch on native mode. Worse yet, no version of proton could launch it, it doesn't go about downloading the prerequisites for emulation. After banging my head against it for two days, I was forced to ask for a refund.