DS4 Won't be detected without Steam Input, XBONE is detected both with or without it, however both controllers have an issue where pressing the left trigger and then releasing it will lock Akane in aiming mode for your gun, making it impossible to play with a pad since you will die once you're locked down in place and you run out of bullets.
The Native port of this game has some issues in some configurations most notably an issue that affects certain games compiled with a certain version of unity, it makes it so full screen breaks certain aspects of a game. In some configurations, Akane won't be able to boot in fullscreen since the menus won't show up, using "-screen-fullscreen 0" as a launch command solves this issue but it gets locked on windowed mode.
Another issue the native port has: Your controller might be detected, but not all buttons might work correctly, for some people the triggers are acting as movement keys, for some others pressing the stick will be detected as a M/K input and won't do anything at all.
Launching the game with proton fixes the need for windowed mode, however if you launch the game through proton, you other issues related to input to worry about.
Overall the game runs flawlessly through proton, but it seems using a gamepad is out of the question for both versions.
It's finally completely playable without any issues at all.
The controller issues are fixed when using proton 6.3-8, don't even think about using any other version at all, GE has the controller issues too. As long as you keep to this official proton version you should be good to go.
Uncaught node.js Error
Game starts, lets you navigate the menus, and it even lets you start the first area so you can go into a portal to begin the game. However, as soon as you touch the portal that begins the actual gameplay, You get a javascript error "TypeError: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': No function was found that matched the signature provided." This crashes the game.
Unless you set "Character Emboss Shadow" to Off in the settings, a lot of text and sprites are completely black or missing.
Some issues with fullscreen in my WM (Herbstluftwm) solved running the game with gamescope
Just make sure to play with the newest GE, dissable "Emboss Shadows", and run with gamescope to solve the weird windowing and fullscreren of the game.
You'll need to install mf-installcab under either proton 5.13-X or 5.0-10.
Proton-GE was crashing on me as soon as any pre-rendered videos had to play on the game. this happened both in the customize screen, on the tiny preview for the moves, and whenever you started story mode. It made playing the story mode impossible. After installing the media foundation dlls under GE, I no longer crashed, but the videos were corrupted showing only green artifacts. After installing the MF dlls under 5.0-10 the videos played correctly, after that I just switched back to 5.13-6, don't delete the prefix, just swap under compatibility tools and the prefix should use the newest proton with the MF installation, for better performance. I was able to play Vergil's campaign from start to finish, both the starting and ending pre-rendered cutscenes played correctly and with no issues. I didn't experience any noticeable issues with performance or anything else. The game was fully and completely playable.
No audio at all
No audio at all
Game runs completely fine performance wise, input is working as intended. And, hey! It no longer crashes when you exit out of the game, that's a plus, right? The game still lacks any sort of audio though, no music, sound effects, nothing.
Some small crackling in the audio every now and then, nothing major, it's not something constant, and I only experienced it a couple of times during my 2 hour play session. Hey! At least we have music now!
If you play in Zoom Mode when alt-tabbing, once you come back to the game there will be heavy artifacts that distort the game, making it completely unplayable, you will need to restart. Play either in Fullscreen or Windowed mode
Heavy artifacts when using Zoom Mode.
If you use a DS4 it won't be detected at all, doesn't matter if you connect it through bluetooth or USB, using steam input as an input wrapper won't work either, doesn't matter if you use it as a. Only XBOX1 pads seem to be recognized properly, the analogue stick is WAAAY to sensitive in the menus, but that's a problem present under windows too, it's the game's fault.
Small performance drop when using Fullscreen mode, during scene transitions or during certain effects, there was a small slowdown, nothing too major, completely playable.
Considering the hoops you have to go through in Windows to make it playable, which still has a high chance of it not working as intended due to retro-compatibility with whatever libraries the game is using being dropped from W10, Linux is definitely easier, and the best way to play your obscure weeb game nobody even knows.
Overall a great experience.
If you have Transparency Antialiasing activated, all menus except for the main menu will have missing elements such as buttons and text, the HUD will be completely inexistent which means no health bars, no meter, no information at all. Just disable this option and it will be solved.
During the stage transitions that are triggered when a player gets knocked over the edge of a stage, there is some stutter that only lasts during the level transition animation, once you get back into battle performance resumes as normal
Online play causes a crash whenever you try to connect with a player. "Look for match" crashes whenever you find another player, same for ranked, Lobbies work fine until the point another player accepts your challenge.
Performance during normal gameplay is great, the minigames at the LAB work, cutscenes play during story mode as normal. As mentioned, Online play is off the table, however local play works perfectly. Definitely give it a try if you want to experience the story of the game, since that is the best part of the game.
5.2-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Installing both mf-install and Windows Media Player allowed the game to start and play videos, without them the game will just show a black screen with audio during the introductory story video, and once that's done it will get stuck on a loading screen. Once installed you can get into the gameplay.
The audio seems to be way too loud compared to the windows version, since I don't have Windows anymore I can't check, but going by memory the audio didn't get this loud on Windows, lowering the volume is still not doing much about it. Due to the high volume, the audio seems to crackle too.
Once you have installed those two, you will get a solid experience. With my hardware, the game is unable to get constant 72 FPS (Vsync) often going down to the lower 50's or mid 40's with a mix of medium and high graphical settings. I doubt this is due to proton, since the game didn't run that great on Windows either. It's currently in alpha and the visuals and particle effects are a complete resource hog on the GPU. Other than that, I'm surprised there was no need for a shader cache compilation during gameplay, since I only played the first mission, I'm not sure if it would happen later in the game, but so far it's been running real smooth, I'm pretty sure it was the same performance I got back on Windows.
tl;dr You need to install wmp11 under a prefix created with proton 5.0-10.
- Delete the already existing prefix.
- Navigate to the location of your proton prefixes (I believe the default is ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata)
- Delete the game's prefix folder; 329490
- Change the version of proton the game is using to run.
- Properties>Compatibility>5.0-10
- Run the game.
- Run the game, it will start setting everything up.
- Once it's done, the game will launch. It should get stuck into a black screen. You can close it now.
- Install wmp11 in the new prefix
protontricks 329490 -q wmp11
- The command will install wmp11 in the prefix just created by the game.
- Launch the game
- At this point the game should work, it will show the stupid video logos that made it crash up to this point.
- Change the version of proton to your proffered one.
- You can just continue playing under version 5.0-10, or you can change the version of proton the game is using. I changed to the newest GE version since 5.0-10 wasn't recognizing my steam, ds4, or bone controller.
- As long as you DON'T DELETE the prefix, wmp11 should remain installed on it and you can change proton versions without issues.
- Enjoy your dumb waifu beat em up.
The game has a lot of stutter, it seems to be some sort of initial shader caching since it only happens once an effect shows up for the first time, not present if the effect shows up later again.
Since I was unable to find the "video fix" previous reports were talking about since the file has been removed, I had to install WMP11 the usual way into the RE6 prefix used by steam, after that the game started without any issues.
Proton-5.9-GE-8-ST GloriousEggroll
Alt-Tabbing out of the game makes it impossible to come back to the window while in fullscreen, change this option to either Windowed or Borderless as soon as possible to be able to Alt Tab
As of now, It seems like the game ONLY works through the specified version of proton, anything else, any other version of GE or normal Proton cause a crash once the first video needs to be played. With this version the game is able to get past the starting credits, however neither the Compile Hearts or Ghostlight logos. or the opening cutscene play, they just show a black screen that must be clicked through/mash any button to make it to the main menu. Neither mfplat, mfplat cab, or installing wmp managed to reproduce them, causing instead a crash on the only version of proton that managed to run the game. All of these previously mentioned videos are wmv files located inside of the game's directory in a folder called "MOVIES", since these, plus the ending credits, seem to be the only videos inside of the game, you won't be missing any of the story, and the gameplay is flawless so far.
Runs through Proton 5.X
The "Native" Linux version just completely closes before even starting up. With Proton 5, the game runs completely flawlessly. Didn't even have to install anything else on the prefix for it to run. Played a couple matches and everything seems to be working.
Windowed doesn't cover the full screen when selecting your native resolution, fullscreen and windowed fullscreen solve this issue.
The game has issues with alt-tabbing or swapping desktops, it leads to the game crashing, it seems to be an issue present under windows too. Windowed mode seems to make these crashes less frequent.
When playing either with the most recent Proton (5.13-3) or GE fork (5.21-GE-1 as of now), some effects such as Mirage's Hall of Mirrors on certain maps, and the Kuva extractor in Kuva Extraction missions cause heavy artifacts similar to the ones described in this bug report these issues are solved when using proton 4.2-9.