Everything worked perfectly. Installed fine, loaded the menu, played a game against a bot, then quit.
Besides a mouse drift issue that happens when I minimize the game, everything has been working perfectly!
Followed the guide here: https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/dwuplr/how_to_run_age_of_empires_2_definitive_edition_on/
When minimizing and maximizing the game, it would act as if the mouse was always on the upper left corner of the screen, causing the camera to always shift that way. The only way I was able to fix it was by restarting, so now I just don't minimize the game. Maybe playing in a window would fix it?
Followed instructions here: https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install
Works totally fine for me, have experienced no bugs (I don't get a black screen when grabbed).
IMPORTANT: Steam sets an older version of Proton by default which tanks performance. Make sure to manually set the most recent proton version to get really good performance.
After running the mf-install-helper.sh script, I also had to set the launch option "taskset -c 1-4 %command%". Now it’s running well!
In addition to having to install Media Foundation, I had to set: taskset -c 1-4 %command% in the launch options.
Had to launch several times and get through a few crashes on all the pre-main menu stuff. Had to watch the whole intro video, didn't skip.
Under steamapps/compatdata/553850/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming/Arrowhead/Helldivers2/user_settings.config I made sure fullscreen = false maximized_window = true and I also had borderless_fullscreen = true
After a few random crashes after choosing brightness levels and stuff, I realized that I had to watch the whole intro video to get to the game without freezing. If I skipped the intro video, it was freezing on some menu. Once I got through all the crashes getting to the actual game, the game itself ran great.
Works great. I ran into one bug requiring a restart, but I don't think it had to do with it running through Proton.
If you can make the right fixes to fix any major frame drops it's definitely enjoyable and worth it.
There's a lot of crackling audio in the main menu, but it gets better in the actual game, though I still experience it sometimes. I tried setting the Steam launch option:
Per a suggestion here, but I'm not sure if that actually did anything for the audio crackling.
I would get significant frame dips at first every several seconds, to the point where it was basically unplayable. To fix it, I did a combination of a lot of the things suggested in the Proton DB reports:
- Modified user.cfg with these values and made it read-only:
r_enum_ssaa 0
r_ssaa_auto 0
r_blur_level 0
r_game_mblur_scale 0
Used DirectX 11
Turned off Vertical Sync (play with what works better for you though)
Once I did these changes, the game actually runs pretty well now. Still get some frame drops but it's not that annoying, and the game looks incredible.
Sometimes the audio crackles / goes in and out.
I was experiencing frequent crashes and full-screen / window issues on the native version. Proton version runs much better, just some occasional audio issues for me.
Played 4 hours online multiplayer, everything worked great
Game won't start at all (probably due to EAC).
Splash screen loads (with EAC logo on bottom left), loading finishes, then game stops before a window can open. Seems like EAC is completely blocking the starting of the game (as expected).
Follow instructions on this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/gy90po/sea_of_thieves_is_now_working_on_linux/
Use Protontricks to switch to Windows 7: protontricks 1172620 winecfg
-> Change to Window 7
Use a custom DLL (details in reddit thread)