Works great, without any tinkering
Game plays great, no need for any tinkering and i would definatly recomend it
after an hour of playing game starts to stutter like hell
After first launch game freezes while loading on start on claptrap loading scene, to fix it you need to delete files in directory: Steam/steamapps/compatdata/397540/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Borderlands 3/Saved/ you need to delete these files before every launch
First lauch of the game was successful but after that CD Project Red launcher displayed black screen and i needed to force skip it to play
Disabled steam overlay
opening steam overlay or even getting achievement freezes the game
Rocket League has native linux support, but playing with proton is better
Rocket League has native linux support, but it only allows to play offline, but playing with proton allows player to play game online.
Worms ultimate mayhem runs perfectly on linux
mouse and controller right stick inverted
Worms ultimate mayhem run really good on linux i would even say that it runs better then on windows 10. on linux game doesn't have mouse bug