PYROVEIL=1 PYROVEIL_CONFIG=/home/jann/games/tools/pyroveil/hacks/ac-shadows-nvidia-570-stable/pyroveil.json gamemoderun %command%
Until we get driver support for the game you have to use pyroveil to get past the main menu.

Left trackpad - map. Right trackpad - screenshort. L4 - auto run. L5 - click left stick. R4 - Long parkur. R5 - click right stick.
Recommended! Stable 30Fps. No lags. Immersive nature. Good gameplay.

After exiting the game, Ubisoft Connect has to be manually exited from the task bar to fully exit the game.
Aside from needing to manually exit Ubisoft Connect, the game runs just fine.

ENABLE_HDR_WSI=1 gamescope --force-grab-cursor --fullscreen -w 2560 -h 1440 --hdr-enabled --hdr-debug-force-output --hdr-sdr-content-nits 600 --mangoapp -- env ENABLE_GAMESCOPE_WSI=1 DXVK_HDR=1 DISABLE_HDR_WSI=1 %command%
There is a grid texture rendered over the terrain.
Mouse was not grabbed in gamescope without --force-grab-cursor
HDR is working with gamescope as long as your DE supports it. When I first started the game I had no issues with the terrain textures.

Game freezes before entering the menu
Likely an nvidia diver issue: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/8543

PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 PYROVEIL_CONFIG=/home/user/.local/share/pyroveil/hacks/ac-shadows-nvidia-570-stable/pyroveil.json PYROVEIL=1 %command%
Needs to build and install https://github.com/HansKristian-Work/pyroveil/tree/master and also install Pyroveil's Assessin's Creed: Shadows patch:
to that.
Assassin's Creed Shadows works without issue on my computer out of the box.
Reaches Ubisoft login screen, then crashes

gamescope -f --force-grab-cursor --mangoapp -W 5120 -H 1440 -f -e -r 240 --hdr-enabled -- %command%
Update ACShadows.ini file From [Scalability] Profile=pc_steamdeck to [Scalability] Profile=pc_custom
Disable steam input when using gamescope to resolve
Pretty minor issues, once you work around them this is proably the most stable an AC game has been on release

Known bug on Nvidia Vulkan implementation prevents game from making it to the main menu and renders it unplayable, solved with pyroveil
PYROVEIL=1 PYROVEIL_CONFIG=/your/pyroveil/folder/hacks/ac-shadows-nvidia-570-stable/pyroveil.json %command%
Requires Pyroveil, ac shadows settings comes as a preset
Not playable without heavy tinkering

MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun PYROVEIL=1 PYROVEIL_CONFIG=/home/---/pyroveil/hacks/ac-shadows-nvidia-570-stable/pyroveil.json %command%
Game has issue with current nvidia driver. Had to install pyroveil script to run the game. Without it crashed before main menu. More info can be found on official ticket on poroton github.

Max Settings 90FPS
Ohne FSR nur 40 FPS
Perfect out of the box experience but I had to disable Steam Input for my controller to be detected

Game freezes on the before startup menu
I think It happens on NVidia cards. Because It runs without problem on my SteamDeck.

The Game runs at 30fps on lowest graphic preset. Graphical settings locked. If you enable frame generation some time increase to 40fps. Not great. But It's good to play AC Shadows on the SteamDeck.

PYROVEIL=1 PYROVEIL_CONFIG=/home/{$USER}/Programas/pyroveil/hacks/ac-shadows-nvidia-570-stable/pyroveil.json %command%
I had to update my NVIDIA drivers from 550.120 to 570.124.04 and apply PYROVEIL fix: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/8543
The game runs great after I got past the title screen hang caused by an older nvidia driver.
Installed nvidia-vulkan
from AUR (570.123.06-2) which appears to fix a hang that occurs just prior to the display of the game's title screen.
After about an hour of gameplay I only had one crash. So far the crashing has not been substantial.

Works right out of the box. Minor texture issues.
Ground textures look like tiles, but that might also be related to me being on mesa-git.
RX 9070 XT. Running NixOS-unstable with mesa-git.

need to install 570.123.06 nvidia beta vulkan driver

nvidia fix
install nvidia 570.123.06 driver

Performance seems fine. I play, like i did normally on windows, with a ps5 controller. Had no issues with ubisoft connect.
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
the terrain textures seem to have things missing in between. I see rectangular textures, and some like broken texture lines in between. The rest seems fine, so not sure if it is a bug or an issue from my setup.
Tried with Proton Experimental was well, worked fine for me.

PYROVEIL_CONFIG=/home/xxxxx/dev/pyroveil/ACS_pyroveil.json PYROVEIL=1
periodic pauses for about 500ms - happens in other games for me as well.
also used kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0 (but I'm not positive that was required).

The game thinks it’s installed on an HDD, even though it’s on an SSD. This doesn’t affect settings or performance.

I did not play the game, I am here comunicating on behalf of my girlfriend who borrowed my computer and ran the game herself with no issues
Could only use borderless and windowed
Very easy to run, a person with no prior linux experience ran the game here, and with the hardware listed about 70-90 fps with fsr at 1440p

Game freezes when reaching the main menu
Common tinkering steps did not change the outcome. Game freezes prior to main menu as soon as the main characters appear in the center of the screen.

Stuck on screen with lots of small greyish pictures.
Using old nvidia 530 driver (mint default). Updating to 570 to see if that helps.

Game halts during opening sequence before main menu, still frame, no sound, no reaction to input
Perfect, runs as normal

Game launches, And you can get your settings set, but...
Game launches, And you can get your settings set, but at least for me when playing on a Legion Go running Bazzite/SteamOS. the game locks up my device forcing a hard shutdown. Have been unable to make it past the intro of gameplay.

Had to install the beta driver from here: https://developer.nvidia.com/vulkan-driver
Works with a specific NVIDIA driver. Apparently Pyroveil is another workaround: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/8543

Only "issue" I had was that ont he drive were I have my prefixes didn't had enough space for the game and because of that I wouldn't let me install it on another drive were I had more than enough space. The solution was to move the prefix to the other drive, install the game, move the prefix back again and locate the game in Ubisoft Connect.

PYROVEIL=1 PYROVEIL_CONFIG=/path/to/pyroveil/checkout/hacks/monster-hunter-wilds-nv/pyroveil.json
Game crashes at start screen, unless you use HansKristian-Work/pyroveil. His project can be found on GitHub.
Go here https://github.com/HansKristian-Work/pyroveil and follow the installation steps. Open the hacks/ac-shadows-nvidia-570-stable folder on the github page and download the pyroveil.json file. Update steam launch settings and it should work.

Crashing at Marvel-style intro video
gamemoderun %command%
I cannot get past this point, keeps crashing. Maybe a graphics driver issue.

90FPS Max with fsr - Without FSR 40FPS
Max Graphic Settings. Used the Same Tinker Settings as Odyssey. Game thinks my SSD is a HDD but has a loadtime of 5 Sec.

always almost locked 30fps, sometimes in the mid-20
The game seems to run pretty well given the hardware. The battery does not last long but it would have been weird otherwise. My case is a little bit different that others because i' ve installed the game via Heroic Launcher, i don' t have the steam version but the ubisoft connect one. The game seems to recognize that i' m on the steam deck and lock most of the graphical options. I did not play much so take my report with a grain of salt :)

The game freezes at the beginning of the Animus HUB presentation video.
I tested with Proton Experimental, GE-Proton9-26, GE-Proton9-23, GE-Proton9-22 and nothing works.
I have also tried removing the Animus HUB presentation video, but it freezes anyway after a few seconds.

Shows some cutscenes, crashes before getting to the menu
Hopefully this is related to the fact that the game should not be available yet, even though Steam activated the Play button for me. Will update once working.

Game doesn't go beyond First scenematic
Tried to run the game in forced-experimental and proton-9 but doesn;t work. Maybe it's related to driver 570 of NVIDIA.