Will launch and run but the game resoultion goes beyond the screen scresolutionand unable to progress beyond the account creation screen.
there maybe a possible fix to thia but game in it's current state is unplayable!
will launch but wont past the EA App then nothing!
Not currently working on the deck!
left trackpad clicking
runs well
better play it on pc then the steam deck
runs great but keybinds make it unenjoyable
i would recommend
had to use left trackpad for additional mouse input
in some areas of the game that requires reading small text or in a small in gsme screen like the meg security door panel screen maybe hard to tell what they are!
needs minimal controller tinkering to make it a 100% enjoyable experience!
runs reat needs slight controller tinkering, however usint the conmputer in the meg lab tunnel is impossible to use without a proper mouse and keyboard attached but beyond that runs great!
works great
changed b to x and x to b
no issues
great, aspect ratio fixed
only getting around 32fps
if a server is broken, game will freeze, not a end user issue
game will run but you cant select anything
game will load into the main menu, but cannot interact with the menu at all, making the game unplayable ⚠️
game runs but is unplayable
steam input and the steam deck hardware incompatible!
runs really good on linix even on the steam deck
ran nicely with friends
works fine to me
works well
Requires SteamOS v3.5 to play this game w/out issues!
its fun
crashed once, its possible it can crash more as you play
itcruns great but you may experience random freezes depending how you traverse the levels!
use the game i.d to find the game in compdata and in the settings.ini set MSAA from 2x to 0
game runs great, but you need to set MSAA from 2x to 0, save the ini and relaunch game
very enjoyable
no issues
no issues
game runs great and no issues
playsnic though i recommend to set everything on low and limit fps to 40fps and use fsr for performance
only received up to 40fps
i never experienced crashes or hitches on my OLED SD
will play, but is unplayable due to a bug that prevents you to run
play this game on pc
runs great at 30fps | vsync on
game runs great @ 30fps, you can reach up to 45fps by turning off vsync and adjusting film grain and motion blur!
Game runs fine, i suffered minor lag when the graphic quality was maxed out, it's best to tune it all the way down to fix it (game did crash once)
Overall this game will play nicesly as long as you pre config the graphics quulity to 0% and using Proton 8.0
runs great on latest steam os update and on proton 8.0
no issues
ran flawlessly, you may have to exit ubisoft after sign in and relaunch to boot
amyone would enjoy it
no issues, played flawlessly
no issues
runs perfect with no issues!