I used the newest/best version of Proton I had installed, hence GE. Didn't find any issues, but played shortly. It's quite boring.
I expect most or all problems to disappear when you using more modern hardware and reliable internet connection.
Stuttering when loading, but smoothness improves over time. Audio unsynced in intro cutscene.
The game sometimes disconnects from a server when joining a match (possibly unstable connection + bad luck).
The performance is poor when loading new area, which is likely due to Vulkan shadow compiling. After that I was able to reach around 24 fps on the lowest settings and resoluton (please mind my hardware).
It shouldn't be surprising the game requires good and stable internet connection.
While I enjoyed playing it, I can't recommend it to anybody with similar hardware. If you have anything noticeably newer than PS4, however, you should be fine.
Runs at 3 FPS with DX11, crashes on startup with DX12 and Vulkan
FPS below 3 during gameplay
Works good
The only bug I've encountered is items oveflowing inventory screen, but it was only a small annoyance and didn't distract from the game.
Works fine
The game feels a little slow when navigating menu, but it seems to be a feature as the slowness is independent from graphial settings and resolution.
In-game animations (not cutscenes) weren't as smooth as on Windows.
Also tested with:
- Experimental -- crash on startup, compatibility tool configuration failed
- 6.3-7 -- crash on startup, no error messages
- 5.13-6, 5.0-10 -- crash on startup, Wine error window asks to contact developer
Works flawlessly
Lags from previous report were caused by driver issue.
Opened it for 5 minutes to check it out, spent over 10 hours gaming
The game slowed down unexpectedly after changing gamma during gameplay once, but it worked after reloading. Recommended graphical settings were fine and variable resolution was great for keeping things fluid in more demanding scenes.
There were some graphical glitches in native port, but not when playing with Proton. I used Proton-GE as that's the "best" thing I had after tinkering with some non-Steam games. I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work with default Proton version. Launched default version, not OpenGL one.
Playing in window mode may be annoying, nevertheless on Linux and Windows are very similar.
replacing executable
The game is old and doesn't support many modern resolutions, such as 1080p. To play on most modern monitors you have to either use windowed mode or follow these instructions. The fix require you to replace Steam's executable. Note that this problem (and solution) applies to Linux as well as Windows.
I also installed a mod to fix in-game movies resolution. Editing the executable was unnecessary after applying main fix. I have Steam Overlay disabled and automatic updates active. Below you can find my swkotor.ini settings you might be interested in:
V-Sync=1 Frame Buffer=1 Soft Shadows=1 EnableHardwareMouse=1 FullScreen=1 Width=1920 Height=1080