Fryst Res
The game works flawlessly, I was confused when I couldn't select native as an option before realizing it wasn't native
Games fun, looks great, a bit performance intensive, and works out of the box, great combo imo
I find usually after two or three hours I run into a crash, doesn't seem to correlate to anything. Personally I find it usually makes a good stopping point
The game requires a lib that only works in 32-bit prefixes, which proton currently does not support.
The game requires a lib that only works in 32-bit prefixes, which proton currently does not support.
AMD Threadrippers seem to encounter a bug where loading occurs infinitely for Bethesda games, more information is available on the proton Fallout 4 GitHub issues page.
- Windowed & borderless modes have degraded performance compared to fullscreen.
- Alt tab on DX11 worked fine, on DX9 it causes the game to hide.
- The game also tried to steal the mouse cursor sometimes, didn't happen very often though
- DX11 at 3840x2160 is highly unresponsive in the menu, 1080p runs fine but is noticably laggy in gameplay. Switching to DX9 in game settings and restarting clears up performance issues. This is likely due to the age of the game, DX11 was nearly brand new when the game was released and as such poorly optomized compared to DX9.
- Borderless & windowed mode have extremely poor performance compared to fullscreen.
It's not a Linux issue, the game has really bad audio for the first level or two. It clears up after that for no obvious reason.
Disables matchmaking, supposedly you can still play online without matchmaking, so with friends in co-op I assume.
At the moment this doesn't run in straight proton due to a wine bug, you need to install a custom proton build. I imagine this will be fixed soon as a patch has been submitted to wine and Valve is likely to apply the patch to their custom build of wine in the meanwhile. I ran it with this build of proton.
Unlike the other two FFXIII games, this actually runs. If you don't disable Esync the game will stay on a Square Enix logo forever. The game seems to be losing focus quite often and requires me to switch to another window and then back to it to regain said focus (I'm using KDE.)
Proton 4.2.3 - Game crashes when loading the game actually finishes. Sound does not work.
Proton-tkg 4.6.r4.g7f1e25e1 - Loading screens are infinite. Sound works, likely due to the use of FAudio.
gamemoderun LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libfreetype.so %command%
- Launcher CTD's without launch option LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libfreetype.so %command%
- Before discovering the above fix, I found proton would be finicky about launching the game from the launcher, i.e. sudden crashes then it'd work the next time, but I never nailed down exactly what was going on
If you have a system that's more bleeding edge, you'll need to set the launch options as it's a libfreetype incompatibility that causes problems. Aside from that this game may as well run perfectly.