Excellent performance, as if it were a native linux game.
I have played with friends who use windows without any problem.
Nothing more to add, it works wonderfully.

Works flawlessly on nvidia hybrid graphics laptop
Couch co-op works perfectly

Works perfectly, straight out of the box. No problems noticed during gameplay and installation.
Launched using Proton 8.0-5.

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
For anyone else trying to run this on Arch, I needed that tweak the command otherwise the game wouldn't launch at all. After that it was smooth sailing though.

Worked out of the box on the Deck.
Games run like native, despite some frame drops and the inability to run the editor.
I've experienced some dropped frames
The game works flawlessly, I was confused when I couldn't select native as an option before realizing it wasn't native
Supposed to be steamdeck verified, but it crashes on start. I tried different version of proton and nothing helped.
Game runs brilliantly. Installs correctly, no tinkering to get working. Smooth overall experience, just like playing on desktop. Recognised the steam deck controller no problem too.

Install and play
Ultrawide not supported, locked 16:9 aspect ratio. Logitech F710 gamepad works. Game was installed on a secondary drive, zero issues.
Works out of the box if installed in the default Steam directory
Game won't start if installed in a custom directory
Works perfectly as far as I can tell
Out of the box, feels like native
Unlike other users, I had to force use of an older version of proton to be able to launch the game. Once I switched to proton 4.11, the game ran just fine.
worked OTB
Fantastic game, enjoyed best in Co-op. Proton 5.13-1

Doesn't work with default settings
I did change anything when I installed it (not the path, or anything else), so it installed itself under debian-installation) and it freezes for ever during the splash screen :'(
It works fine - but it has to be installed in the default steam folder otherwise you will get a "critical error" after the splash screens.
I played the first and the second chapter, using all characters. And I didn't experiment problems.

Needs to be installed in default steam directory or it won't launch

After splash screens get "Critical Error" loading textures and have to Force Quit

When the game works, it works flawlessly (framerate, controller, fullscreen...). However, the game fails to launch when you install it outside of the main Steam Library.

Works like a charm out of the box!

Runs perfectly without any tweaks; also tested multiplayer and using Steam Controller, everything works like native.

Damm this works well !

Game works perfect right out of the box. No tweaks required.

No problems. Everything works: Coop, Controller

Works perfectly