Runs nice but got kicked because of Anticheat not running.
minimized itself very often so I had to click fast and often or use some trick
Runs, but EAC kick
They just have to enable proton support for eac
Only some stuttering from areas that haven't been shader-cached
The first time I tried, some login error, kinda buggy, but since then Perfectly fine
Im impressed how good it works now!
After 580 hours of playing fine, playing since the update that enabled eac for proton, sadly...
After 1-2 Minutes, I get kicked to the title screen, with an eac error message.
As long as it's not one of the udpates from respawn that suddenly breaks everything, it just works fine out of the box with decent performan
gamemoderun %command% +fps_max 80
Re-opening from minimized fullsreen can cause crashes
few problems, personally prefer windowed fullscreen
gamemoderun %command%
Follow this Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qy_RQr8LbM When something doesn't work, the video isn't perfect, just keep watching it will crash and load very long sometimes, keep watching!
It takes some tinkering, but when done, from my experience the performance was on pair, or sometimes even better than windows!
Runs good accept for no Multiplayer
EAC code 3 - Easy Anticheat Crashes
EAC starts but when trying to play online it crashes
Performance could be slightly better, but game starts, online works have not experienced crashes
Controller wasn't detected one single time, worked after a restart
Perfect OOTB
one single crash
Ran smooth and stable
Anticheat also seems to work perfect and performance is great
Instant anti-cheat error
Not sure what Anti cheat the game is using, splitgate used to use battleye and run well on linux
gamemoderun %command%
Don't know how it runs on windows, but no issues with multiplayer
no stutters, random laag, etc. only thing noticed; some crashes when loading a mission while switching windows.