Without the force vulkan option, various annoying UI glitches (blank white windows, navigation issues).
Works out-of-the-box
Didn't try playing with ray tracing but the default launch option worked without issue
Game works after disabling fullscreen in the config for the first launch, then toggling it on in-game
Had to disable fullscreen in config for first launch, then enable it in game
Running game natively, the game window was in fullscreen but the actual game only took up the bottom left corner of the screen and was completely unresponsive. Had to edit the file at $HOME/.local/share/Klei/Griftlands/steam-/settings.ini and changed "fullscreen=1" to "fullscreen=0". After launching the game with that setting, the game now was responsive but the mouse area was significantly higher than the cursor; as in, I had to click below where the buttons actually were. Toggling borderless window to on in the settings menu fixed that issue.
Borderless Windowed was not actually borderless. Fullscreen worked fine.
Pretty Good experience out of the box.
Had to switch the renderer_type to DirectX12 in ~/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/2694490/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile 2/poe2_production_Config.ini
Without changing the config, just get a black screen and can't do anything
Had to run with Proton because of screen flickering while running Native. Everything including save games and mods works cross platform.
Couldn't launch game without changing the compatiblity tool. GE-proton worked without any issues.
Unplayable. Game crashes on first level
Would Crash on First Kill of First Enemy in First Level