Proton-6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Game keeps going left. That must be an old problem and it still exists.
gamescope -e -n -H 1080 -f -- %command%
On kde-wayland mouse goes to secondary monitor. Using gamescope fixed it.
Works normally.
alt-tab won't minimize or put another application top of the game. but on kde, pressing meta key does the job.
Game is on playtest right now and it has server issues. So, this is not about linux.
Let's hope they will support linux.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
protontricks 962130 -q msxml3
protontricks 962130 -q dotnet40
If you tried to install dotnet40 and failed like me, you should install msxml3 first.
protontricks 962130 -q msxml3
protontricks 962130 -q dotnet40
and then follow this video for online play.
Done with GE-Proton7-35. Experimental or newer(might be change in future) should work.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Online gameplay cause crashes.
RADV_PERFTEST=gpl gamemoderun %command%
Works great. If you have waited for this game to be supported then you can delete your Windows partition now.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8=n,b" %command%
https://i.imgur.com/LAXfdeU.png My settings
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
I tried with proton-experimental-bleedingedge first, there was no intro video and xwayland crashed after a short certain time. GE-Proton just works.
EAC won't let me play. Devs should enable for linux.
Proton is bleeding edge.
Probably an EAC issue.
Everytime i'm in a lobby i get "The supplied credentials are invalid" error and kicks me back to the main menu. I couldn't even play 1 game.
They fixed the issue. Enjoy!
It's not so fun against bots and you will need friends to play because the online playerbase is non-existent.
gamescope -e -f -- %command%
I had to install ubi connect from protontricks. Otherwise game won't launch.
If I alt-tab, the game will go full black screen and won't response. I had to use gamescope to fix this.
I haven't tried multiplayer so i have no idea how good it works. Gamescope was a need for me otherwise alt-tab breaks the game.
Voice chat is powered by vivox and it's not compatible with linux or proton. You have to use discord or steam voice chat.
Intro video was not playable. It shows some colours and skips aftarwards.
Game was borked because player had to join vivox chat server. Which is not supported. With todays patch you are not forced to connect to vivox chat server. So, no ingame voice chat for now and because of that your friend needs to be in discord or steam voice chat.
Voice chat got fixed.