Squad Leader
The main menu for the game shows frequent and heavy stuttering and flashing.
The game seems to have an issue where it will, in between loading screens, stop responding. It will give you the not responding box, but will snap back right after the loading screen.
Works beautifully, no issues whatsoever.
As of today, the game is to my knowledge borked. The addition of the ACE anticheat will no longer let the game launch.
As of the early access release, this game no longer works on linux. The kernel level AC will not let the game launch in the current state. Hoping this is fixed soon.
The game runs amazing running natively, although the fonts can be slightly broken on custom servers in some instances. Otherwise, A+
Epic Online Services by default is not enabled. To resolve this, you must be using Heroric Launcher 2.4.0-beta.2, have the game installed, click on the game in the library view, click tools in the top middle, and two from the bottom is "Enable EOS Overlay". Enable this. This is the only way I got EOS working,.
Easy Anti-Cheat is a hit or miss on this game, all depending on Proton Version. I got it working by going into the game settings, indicated by the cog icon in the library menu, going into the "Wine Extensions" menu on the left side of the screen, and enabling the EasyAntiCheat Runtime. I found newer versions of GE-Proton broke compatibilty with EasyAntiCheat, but I found GE-Proton7-26 to work great. Proton Experimental also worked with no issues. If this is done incorrectly, the game will launch, but you will not be able to play, and will be given a EasyAntiCheat error.
Overall, this was a bit of a pain to get working on the Epic Games Version. The Steam version is much easier to install and get setup, but not possible anymore as it has been removed from the store. Those who have the game on Steam, it is a much better experience and works out of the box, as long as you have the EasyAntiCheat runtime installed.
Slight performance degredation on Proton 7.04, not to be seen on any GE-Proton version I tried.
After an about an hour, using latest Proton GE, frame rate would slow badly. Did not experience this on 7.04 or GE-Proton7-26
Minor artifacts while swinging, split second appearances. Also a shimmering effect was very apparent.
No matter the settings, while swinging around the city, I could not best 60fps. The game would stutter and freeze frequently and I would call it unplayable. Low GPU and CPU usage as well, no more than 70%+ on either.
As far as I understand, the Enhanced Edition, which shares this page with the regular game is entirely broken on AMD graphics cards.
No matter the launch options I put, the game will always launch but will give a hardware minimum requirement error stating that the game cannot find a DXR compatible graphics card. The game will still launch if you click past this error, but with broken/nonfunctional lighting which turns out to be a tad funny, but completely unplayable. If you are attempting to play this game with lighting, and are using an AMD graphics product, play the regular version. No combination of steam config settings or file edits fixed the lighting issues I was facing.
Excellent Experience, I'd even say better than windows. 30+ hours, have never come across any issues.
Origin menus sometimes impeded gameplay in fullscreen, but was easily fixable
There would be a bit of stuttering whenever new areas were loaded for the first time, but would occur for about 5 seconds, and then not again once the shaders were compiled
Very very large performance loss while playing on the RTX renderer, to the point where it was unplayable. With no resolution scale on Windows, I was able to hover around 60-70fps maxed out, and on Linux, it's about 10 - mid-teens. With a static resolution scale of 50, I was able to achieve 50~ fps.
I would not recommend this experience, even with a card as powerful as mine.
Issues with certain graphics settings.
Absolutely no problem connecting and playing online.
A few things to note right away, steer clear from using DirectX 12 and changing your render resolution. DirectX 12 would immediately crash the game, resulting in the game being unplayable without going into the config and turning it back off. The resolution scaler in the same, and will result in a crash with the game being unplayable until you go into the config and edit those values back. DO NOT CHANGE THOSE TWO SETTINGS! Otherwise, you will see no problems. One other thing to note, both Lutris scripts for this game seem out of date, and it seems that Steam is the only easy way to play this game after the recent launcher update (moving to EA from the Origin Thin Client).
It seems like as of today, the game will not launch on the new Steam Deck OLED. It will HARD crash every time a level is loaded.
When booting into the game through EA play, the game will have occasional crashes. These were my findings using GE-Proton 8-25, and proton experimental.
RADV_PERFTEST=gpl gamemoderun %command%
I'm bumping this from another post, RADV_PERFTEST=gpl gamemoderun %command%
makes a MASSIVE difference on my Mesa Wayland install, brought me from 40fps to 130. This was a game changer, and is the first thing I recommend everyone try.
No Issues at all, I've heard of people say the game crashes while hosting a multiplayer, but I've hosted my entire play through so far with not a single crash.
Have loved this game, and runs great using Proton 7.0-3
While tabbed out of game, could not interact with my system while in fullscreen mode
Game would not launch using native, giving me dependancy errors, but enabling proton fixed everything!
Glitchy textures on map load in quick play, goes away quickly
Had to use Steam Linux Runtime for the game to get past the loading screen. Otherwise, the game would crash and quit out.
Game did not play nicely with alt tabbing, or switching workspaces in GNOME
Running under Steam Linux Runtime, the game ran great. By default, the game would not launch, and would not launch using Proton. Funnily enough, the Epic Games version under Heroric launcher ran with much less of a headache, using GE Proton 7-26, it ran out of the gate.