Native build captures your mouse, so you can't tab out and use the mouse, Proton does not have this issue. Achievements also seem to only work on Proton. No issues thus far.
Turn on v-sync, otherwise the game seems to have no fps limit. Your video card will appreciate it.
nointro=true width=1920 height=1080 bp=32 fullscreen=false Zonematch=true dpnsvr=false
Multiplayer did not work whatsoever without DirectPlay installed
Breaks if you tab out.
nointro=true width=1920 height=1080 bp=32 fullscreen=false Zonematch=true dpnsvr=false
Install directplay (I used protontricks) if you want to play multiplayer.
Breaks if you tab out or modify window resolution in any way outside of the game's options.
Opens but can't do anything.
Just gets stuck at a blank white screen. No menu. No audio. Tried running native version and on Proton 5.0-7 and both did the same thing. Would sometimes crash instead of having to be killed.
Only in native. Switching to Proton fixes this.
Bad stuttering with Proton 5.0-7 when moving mouse to aim. Fixed by switching to Proton 4.11-13. Game works flawlessly so far.
Crashed once during 11 hours of playing, unsure if it's a Proton thing.
did not experience performance issues others are reporting, using windows 10 launch option