gamemoderun PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 DXVK_FRAME_RATE=144 %command%
Controller Input was delayed. Mouse sensitivity was wierd, sometimes faster sometimes slower. Limiting the Framerate helped with this issue.
Only had 90fps without tinkering compared to 300+fps on windows. However i used Linux-tkg to change the CPU Scheduler from cfs to pds (Kernel: 6.11.11-tkg-pds). I also turned off esync which helped with stuttering and performance. After that i got around 165fps without limiting. This also helped alot to increase the performance in other older CoDs (W@W, BO2)
If you dont need high fps you probably enjoy this game ootb, but i cant recommend the game like this. I only played Zombies offline and it runs really good on the steam version. I could not get BGT5 v0.1 Lan Launcher to work and on plutonium I had no gun sounds and lower performance.
gamemoderun noesync %command%
100 FPS compared to 300 FPS on Windows
Only tested the Redacted Zombies Version. Minor Stuttering without tinkering. noesync fixes this.
the game didnt launch on NTFS Drive. I moved it to an ext4 drive and it worked like a charm without anymore tinkering.
gamemoderun %command% -vulkan -high +mat_queue_mode 2 -refreshrate 144hz -threads 6 -forcepreload 1
Stretched Resolutions (1440x1080) with 144hz arent supported by default on Mint.
To play 1440x1080 with 144hz on Nvidia Open Nvidia Settings -> X Server Display Configuration -> Select your Screen -> Advanced -> Change "ViewPortIn" and "Panning" to "1440x1080" -> Apply -> Change the Resolution ingame.
You have to set and reset the Resolution every time you start and close the game, however you can automate that with a script.
constant heavy fps drops making the game unenjoyable to play without tinkering.
How to FIX: The Game performs very poor with cfs CPU Scheduler (the one Linux Mint comes with). I used Linux-tkg to swap the CPU Scheduler to pds. After that Performance seems to be on par with Windows.
gamemoderun VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12_0 %command%
Performance is the same as on Windows. Stable 60 FPS on High settings with Raytracing off.
Doesen't Launch on NTFS Drives. Move the Game to a ext4 drive and install the EAC Proton Runtime on the same Drive.
gamemoderun %command%
Works Perfectly out of the Box. Only booting on ext4. No boot on ntfs
Works out of the Box
worked out of the box for me. stable 60fps. no issues here
The Native Version runs pretty well with no issues besides "low" fps. 120 Fps compared to 300+ Fps on Proton. Proton Experimantel runs with higher fps and also no issues.
I recommend the proton version
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 DXVK_FRAME_RATE=165 gamemoderun %command%
Runs like the Windows Version. Install on ext4, dosen't boot on ntfs