gamemoderun %command%
Works great

Singleplayer history works flawless
Audio volume was low compared with the rest of my system
The game works really well, played 80h start to finish, spread in about a month, a singleplayer campaing. I know this game has a coop multiplayer but i've limited to a singleplayer session. I Had some minor bugs like falling of the floor on one specific situation but that looked more like a bug from the game itself and I would assume that would happen on any platform. The sound was a little on the low side compared to the rest of my system even with ingame volume at 100%, not a real problem but worth noting. Played on my TV with Bazzite and a Xbox controller, 100% controller support including multiple disconnections and reconnections to exchange batteries. Sometimes when I started the game it would build vulkan shaders again even if it already done. I Would classify this game as perfectly playable on any Linux box or Steam Deck.

Runs better than in my Win 11

Perfectly working in solo. But multiplayer is impossible due to EAC. I get kicked after few seconds of game even if everything is working...
Kicked by EAC.
No local multiplayer
Multiplayer not possible. Anticheat kick me off.

EAC Kicked
Anticheat kicked me everytime, unable to play with my friend. I am aware of bypasses but the friend could not do these because he was using a XBox. So we cant do modifications on both sides for the game.
The game runs, but with performance issues (I'm not sure if it's due to Proton or if the game itself is poorly optimized).

Great in singleplayer. EAC stopping multiplayer.
EAC completely prevented multiplayer experience. I am aware of existing bypasses, did not have time to check them out (yet).

Getting a max of ~65 FPS on high (capped to 120, screen resolution is 2560x1440), with significant drops to ~30 fps in cities, alongside rare stutters

Overall it runs great with no problems. It sucks that it's online only, but at least there is no anticheat compability issues with proton.
installed ubisoft connect since game was having trouble launching without it, easy fix.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is fully online, with no offline version available. If there were any connectivity issues, I would notice, but the game runs smoothly without problems. No anticheat problems like Ghost Recon Wildlands, I didn't have to disable EAC or anything.
I don't play co-op, but I don't think there is a local multiplayer option. A lot of the game's functionality appears to require an online connection, and the game itself won't run without it. This is unlike Ghost Recon Wildlands, where you can start the game in offline mode.
It runs at a perfect 165 fps (VSynced to my monitors refresh rate) on "Ultimate" settings which was the max it would allow me for everything. It uses about 8gb of vram (if the counter in game is accurate I haven't checked nvidia-smi), and FSR works well even with my RTX card. No graphical issues, lag, anticheat kicks, or anything. I haven't tested without Proton GE, but the game runs amazingly on Linux. :)

If you want to play singleplayer like I enjoy doing, then yeah it's fine if you can deal with the load times, just remember to be patient
installed ubisoft connect with protontricks under "install applications" didn't login on it since i don't have access to my account and ubisoft support doesnt reply so i just allow steam to login during launch for me.
not a fps problem or anything or the game itself, but rather the splash screen takes FOREVER for some reason despite being installed on a very new fast nvme ssd and the latest gen hardware. ive had the same problem on windows kvm and native windows, just wait don't mess with ubisoft connect or anything, it will load eventually.
You need to install ubisoft connect via protontricks, then personally I disable EAC which will also make multiplayer not work for you, but other users have suggested workarounds for this that i have not personally tried. benchmarks on max settings the game allows i average around 130 fps with my hardware, with vsync enabled which is why the fps number seems low to prevent screen tearing, the game works great with few bugs and graphical problems apart from the really extremely slow loading time being the most annoying thing for me, for others it might be the eac issue but i don't play multiplayer enough to care.

After switch controller layout it worked
Multiplayer with an other Steam Deck user.

Game run well but the startup is annoyingly slow
Game startup takes 5-10 min after that it runs fine

Game got stuck at a loading screen, seems like ubisoft connect doesnt want to start the game.
was not able to play game on linux via steam

Yes, the game performs identically to Windows, tinkering is only needed for online multiplayer.
https://community.wemod.com/t/tom-clancys-ghost-recon-wildlands-cheats-and-trainer-for-steam/111387/494 for the bypass
Remember that everyone in your party (including you) needs to install the EAC bypass.

Single player worked like a charme right from the beginning, and changing the eac files with first person mod ones fixed all other issues.
gamemoderun %command% -eac_launcher
I have installed the first person mod
As EAC exists, my friends also installed the first person mod, which fixes this issue. Also we all included -eac_launcher within our launch options. After this was done, it worked like a charm.

Muy bien, el rendimiento del juego es execelente diría que mejor comparado con breack point ya que no saca del juego
En este tema últimamente entendido problema con el audio, como el hecho de que un compañero diga una frase una y otra vez, y que la voses y sonidos ambientale se escuchen alto y bajo o que ni siquiera se escuche.....
Solo por el pequeño detalle del audio, es muy bueno sin embargo este problema lo empecé a notar después de 120 minutos.

%command% -eac_launcher
I made multiplayer work thanks to nitrogue's reply down this list.
On a linux machine, just add %command% -eac_launcher
to the game's launch properties. I didn't need to change the ubisoft launcher's launch properties.
On a windows machine, add -eac_launcher to both steam and the ubisoft launcher game's launch properties. Then you have to download and use EAC bypass:
To find EAC bypass, just search for "ghost recon wildlands eac bypass" on google and open the wemod page. You can find it posted by "MrAntiFun" and was last updated on 9/22/2023 (this review has been done on 7/9/2024). Open the game's files, then the EAC folder and overwrite the dll with the one you just downloaded. After that, go back to the main folder and overwrite rungame.exe with the one you got from eac bypass.

The offical controller layout joysticks don't work property but are detected. Have to switch profile if you want to use the joysticks.
Runs well. Set graphics to high preset for 40fps average.

Does not go past Ubisoft Connect anymore after update
Since the last Ubisoft Connect update, the game won't launch anymore, no matter what I try. In fact, no Ubisoft game with DRM will run anymore. That's why I love DRM.

Sometimes it's crashing while returning to the main-menu.
Anything fine here, stable and high FPS. Multiplayer doesn't seem to work, but i used to play this game by myself, so no problem for me.

There were a few points where my FPS fell to lower but still quite playable framerates. It corrected itself
The anti-cheat simply doesn't work. Can't play Co-op
singleplayer seems to work fine, but the lack of coop really stinks. I also tried on several versions of proton

Immediate EAC kick on attempt to join friend's session.
Don't fall for the 5 euro price if you want multiplayer online coop via Proton, singleplayer works fine, stupid EAC.

Immediate EAC kick on multiplayer join attempt.
Immediate EAC kick.
If you're thinking about a 5 euro coop game via Proton: don't, singeplayer works.
If you are going to play solo, it's going to work great. But you can't play with friends thanks to EAC.
The game will disconnect due to EAC.
native experience no tinkering with proton experimental

gamemoderun gamescope -f -w 3840 -h 2160 -W 2560 -H 1440 -r 120 -- %command% -eac_launcher
sometimes the game will start minimized or the game window won't show up at all.
i think the game doesn't play nice with gamescope because without any launch options it's actually pretty consisant. It shows up and displays correctly but i need to mess with gamescope because i have fractional scaling turned on and i want to run the game at 4k and not 1440p

Wildland's Multiplayer is infamous even on Windows. Despite that, I could play with my friends, as long as everyone has disabled EAC.
gamemoderun %command% -eac_launcher

Gyro doesn't work well as mouse, but is fine as Joystick.
Weird artifacts on the road texture while driving.
Default control configuartion has various issues, all are fixed when you change the configuartion.
The game is broken on Intel Arc

As long as you're enjoying this game as a single player you won't get any problems, but if you try to play it with a friend you're screwed.
Multiplayer is not working, instant kick through EAC
Instant kick through EAC
Tried offered solutions on Proton DB, neither of them worked. Was a waste of money in my case.

gamemoderun %command% -eac_launcher
LIterally unplayable on Intel Arc A770 16GB. Runs at 26fps on average. Happens also on Windows.

Multiplayer must have EAC disabled. Follow this guide by OokiCookie. All credits go to him!:
In Desktop mode open Ubisoft Launcher and add -eac_launcher in launch properties
In Steam add -eac_launcher in launch properties
Works on Proton 8.3 and Experimental
On friend's Windows:
Open Ubisoft Launcher and add -eac_launcher in launch properties
In Steam add -eac_launcher in launch properties
You will need to download and use EAC Bypass (Google "ghost recon wildlands eac bypass")
After that you both can go into game. You will receive the same message about not being able to synchronize (ORURO 01010), but you need to change your game mode to Open\For friends and your friend would be able to connect to you

Game works fine as of now as long as you force experermental or GE. First person mod is broken for everyone inc Windows users.
Fullscreen can crash the game.
Game has crashed and and lose hours of progress once or twice across 70 hours.
Coop online works fine as long as you and your coop partner on windows replace the anticheat files that you need to replace to install the first person mod anyway.
Wildlands is a Ubisoft game, so it will go through 3 months where it works and 3 months where it's broken. Uplay is trash as always and as of now, the first person mod is completely borked by a recent update that fixed Wildlands on Linux.

Mostly same as windows, install game, quit ubisoft after install to do a sso with steam during next start, play
Need to quit after alt tab when using fullscreen, borderless had no isssues
Encountered some graphical bugs with vegetation
A little bit of stuttering in the beginning