The full-screen mode is not truly full-screen; it is actually a maximized window state.
There is a lot of crackling in the audio, making gameplay extremely uncomfortable and irritating, which is the opposite of the game’s intended purpose of providing a relaxing experience.
The game starts in fullscreen windowed mode and not in true fullscreen.
The game seems to run normally without any modifications or issues.
The game looks incredibly blurry, as if someone had 15 degrees of astigmatism. Can't really read anything.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Doesn't work with PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 it seems
Game runs, but menu screen is too blurry. Tried changing resolution blindly, no joy. Also tested older proton versions, still not working.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Doesn´t seem to work with wine and OpenGL.
It says it starts, and you can see the process running in Linux, but nothing is displayed on the screen (as if it never actually executed)
Tried many launch options, no luck; some screen flashes briefly, then nothing.
The game starts in fullscreen windowed mode and not in true fullscreen.
The game seems to run normally without any modifications or issues.
Sometimes, when viewing the map, the mouse freezes, forcing to exit the game and reopen it. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the game itself or with Proton.
Loading new areas is very slow, with the game freezing while loading. Since the game itself recommends using an SSD, I imagine this is an optimization issue with the game and not a problem with Proton.
The game runs without any adjustments needed.
The game starts in fullscreen windowed mode and not in true fullscreen.
The game seems to run normally without any modifications or issues.
The game runs, but with performance issues (I'm not sure if it's due to Proton or if the game itself is poorly optimized).
Uncertain if the slow performance is due to the hardware, the poorly optimized game (even with all settings on minimum), or Proton.
On the first run, the game displayed a message indicating that something from Microsoft C++ needed to be installed and then closed. On the second run, it opened normally.