Game runs perfectly fine with no need to tinker.
Game runs fine without much tinkering required.
60+ fps with these settings:
- Fullscreen: Off
- Resolution: 1280 x 800 (60hz)
- V-Sync: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: Medium
- Graphics: High
Game runs perfectly fine.
60+ fps with these settings:
- Resolution: 1200 x 800
- Fullscreen: Off
- VSync: Off
- SSAO: On
- Shadow Distance: 150.0
Game runs fine but requires changing some settings.
The game has controller support but is set to mouse by default. On first launch use the touchscreen to navigate the menu: go into Options, Controls and select controller. Everything will work fine afterwards.
Game is locked to 30fps.
Game works flawlessly but Mouse & Keyboard setup is recommended.
The game itself has no issues and runs at 120+ fps, but I didn't find it very enjoyable without any external periferals since the game was designed around a mouse and keyboard setup.
Game runs well but is more enjoyable with Mouse & Keyboard.
The text is small and slightly hard to read.
The game supports controller input but is set to Mouse by default. You can navigate the menu and play the game with the trackpads and triggers, but I recommend going into the settings and enabling controller input to use buttons and analog sticks.
Game runs at 50-55 fps with these settings:
- Display Mode: Windowed
- Resolution: 1200 x 800
- Vsync: Off
- Resolution Scale: 75%
- Interface Scale: Largest
- Texture Quality: Ultra
- Anti-Aliasing: On
- Soft Particles: On
- Bloom: On
- Reflections: On
Game runs very well out of the box.
You can get a pretty stable 60fps with some dips with these settings:
- Resolution: 1280 x 800
- Fullscreen: Windowed
- Vsync: Off
- HUD: Enabled
- Antialiasing: 4x
- FXAA Quality: High
- Antisotropic Filtering: 8x
- Shadow Quality: High
- SSAO Quality: High
- Backdrop Quality: High
- Godray Quality: High
- Volumetric Light Quality: High
- Draw Distance: Max
- LOD Distance: Max
- Grass Distance: Max
I wouldn't consider this tinkering but when you first launch the game you'll need be prompted to install c++ runtime, which can be done by following the in-game installer's instructions.
The text in some areas, such as the settings menu, can be a little bit small and hard to read.
Game runs great but you need to enable controller input.
The game has controller support but it's set to mouse and keyboard by default. This can be fixed by navigating the menu with the touch screen: Options > Xbox Controller > Use Xbox Controller: On > Apply.
60+ fps with these settings:
- Resolution: 1200 x 800
- Aspect Ratio: Auto
- V-Sync: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: Normal
- Post Filters: High
- Dynamic Shadows: High
- Ambient Occlusion: On
- HDR Rendering: On
Game is locked to 31fps unless you edit the config.ini file.
Game runs great out of the box.
60+ fps with these settings:
- Resolution: 1200 x 800
- Fullscreen: Off
- Texture Quality: High
- Texture Filter: Trilinear
- Anisotropy: 16X
- Parallax: On
- Shadows: High
- Quality: High
- Resolution: High
- PostEffects: All On
- SSAO: On
Game runs perfectly out of the box.
60+ fps with these settings:
- Resolution: 1200 x 800
- Fullscreen: Off
- Texture Quality: High
- Texture Filter: Trilinear
- Anisotropy: 16X
- Parallax: On
- Shadows: High
- Quality: High
- Resolution: High
- PostEffects: All On
- SSAO: On
The game runs perfectly fine as it is.
60+ fps with these settings:
- Resolution: 1200 x 800
- Refresh Rate: 60hz
- Glow: On
- Shadow: On
- Dynamic Resolution: Off
- Resolution Ratio: 100%
- Render Scale: 100%
- Field Of View: 45
- Anti-Aliasing: 8x
- Vsync: On
- Bloom: On
- Vignette: On
- Tone Mapping: On
- Colour Adjustments: On
- Film Grain: On
- White Balance: On
- Chromatic Aberration: On
- Split Toning: On
Game runs fine aside from the initial resolution issue.
On first launch the game will appear decentered with a bit of the right screen missing. This can be fixed by going into the options, then in graphics: set display mode to windowed and resolution to 1280x720.
GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_RANK=protonaudioconverterbin:NONE %command%
Go into protontricks, select Berserk, select default wine prefix, run winecfg, change windows version from 10 to 7
The game runs around 30fps, probably due to it being poorly optimized
Without tinkering the game has annoying issues, such as being prompted to switch to windows 7 compatibility mode every time you boot the game up, screen size issues and missing video or audio (or both) from cutscenes.
Game runs well with the recommended settings.
Some text was hard to read.
If you use the settings that the game recommends it'll run at ~60fps.
Game runs okay.
The game will always launch through a launcher window that requires adding mouse controls or using the touchpad.
Cutscenes will freeze every now and then.
I recommend running this one in 40hz 40fps to get a smoother gameplay experience with less drops.
Game runs great.
Set to 40hz and 40fps.
60fps with default settings, I'm doing 40hz and 40fps for battery life.
Game runs great.
I would recommend setting the fps to 30 or lower the graphics settings to get a stable experience.
Add this to launch options: --nostartupmovie
40hz + 40fps limit.
You can reach 60fps with default settings, but better battery with 40hz and 40fps. The launch command is just to skip the really long startup movies: recommended but not mandatory.
Frequent frame drops: from 60 to 30fps.
Too many frame drops for my liking, definitely playable at lower graphics settings though.
You can easily get 60fps with most settings set to max.