Runs perfectly out of the box
I am unable to move the gunner sight.
unplayable for me so far
gamemoderun %command%
For unknown reasons, no matter what settings I use, I have between 60-90 FPS
Game is still in development, so hopefully it will get better.
Launch option might slightly (really slightly) improve performance.
Started Game into main menu no problem, keeps on loading while joining instant action and just closes
I am to lazy to test on other versions, for me doesnt for with proton 9.0-3
Extremely well-optimized, no slowdowns except for when spamming multiple artillery fire call-ins, neither my CPU or GPU get hot when playing on Ultra settings
mangohud %command%
Occasional crashes because the game is still in active development
Runs about as well as windows
Started and played without any problems.
Runs as good as it does in Windows 10
No tinkering needed. I used Proton 9.0-1 and it worked pretty well.
Works out of the box
Haven't experienced any problems at all, no tinkering needed.
Some audio was widely out of sync or completely missing, but it was mostly fixed with the recent updates.
Mouse can be a bit laggy in gunner aiming mode, more than what's caused by the joystick-type control
Couldn't save or load any campaign saves, didn't check if it was fixed yet
Zumindest bei mir, stürzt es ab, wenn ein anderes Programm den VRAM nutzt, bspw. ein Browser mit aktivierten Hardwarebeschleunigung. Schließen solcher Programme (oder deaktivieren von Hardwarebeschleunigung in jenen) so wie/oder Minderung der Texturdetails, Auflösung, usw. löst dieses Problem völlig.
ocassional crash due to being in dev
Runs well enough at around low 30 at medium ish settings, peformance will improve in future as optomisation occurs as game is still in dev
Works fine other than the audio thing
Seems like the audio stops working until restarting the game if you enter the settings menu
jumps to next shot without wanting to switch between shots in penetration analysis
i get like 20 fps unlike one in windows 11
Lower FPS
Game is great via proton on linux at a desktop which is the most optimal environment, but definitely not on the deck.
Signifcant paring down to visual quality settings to help improve battery life and framerate were needed.
Text does scale for screen size but is difficult to see for Deck users.
Absolutely fantastic game, definitely worth your time if you enjoy tanking in Arma 3 etc, but I would pass on playing it on the Steam Deck as the controls are designed for the PC keyboard first and foremost, and community control layouts help but do not fix the control and need to drop visual quality in the settings menu to ensure consistent frame-rates.
Works great with no tweaks required!
Since this game is early access at the time of writing this, game stability and performance could easily change. For the time beaing, though, it runs flawlessly.
Works as intended out of the box
No problem at all. Same experience as under Windows. Demo was already good, this Early Access release (September 6, 2022) works great as well.
Runs perfecty out of the box with proton
Works like a charm!
Game built on Unity, no issues whatsoever.
Based on currently-available demo version.