gamemoderun %command%
Haven't tested the multiplayer.
I've added the launch argument just in case, no idea if there is any difference without.
I'm using Proton Experimental out of habit. Should work with other versions.
When using Proton, make sure to run 'Vulkan API' version instead of 'DirectX 11'.
- Native - Feels more stable, but losses a lot more FPS when a lot is happening. Dropped to ~40 FPS.
- Proton - Framerate wasn't too stable, but it didn't drop as much. Rarely got below ~85. FPS
Played Demo
- Initial launch took a while.
- All settings were set to "Ultra-high".
- No glaring issues other than the translation, or lack thereof, in some places. Although according to the developers they plan to improve it.
gamemoderun %command%
- No difference when compared to Windows
I'll add just in case: problems with audio most probably aren't related to Linux. My friends with Windows have more audio problems than I.
gamemoderun %command%
For unknown reasons, no matter what settings I use, I have between 60-90 FPS
Game is still in development, so hopefully it will get better.
Launch option might slightly (really slightly) improve performance.
- Haven't noticed any problems after 4 hours of playing.
- Game language was set to Chinese by default.
Proton is recommended for best experience.
Works without forcing a specific Steam compatibility tool, but I've experienced significantly lower FPS (~40 FPS less).
Not sure if this is optimization or Linux issue, but game runs in ~40-70fps most of the time.
Should work with other Proton versions
Works perfectly out of the box
Haven't noticed a single problem related to Linux
Resolution is kinda low on bigger displays.
gamemoderun gamescope -W 2560 -H 1440 -e -f -- %command%
FPS sometimes drop from ~144 to ~100
Included launch options aren't necessary, but they make the game work slightly better.
No problems after playing for a few hours.
Should work with non-experimental Proton.