(PSE, not via Proton) Can play tutorials offline, and play online should work if you pre-arrange a partner
Could not find matchmaking partner
I'm referring to Private Server Edition, as all other editions were shut down. The game cannot be launched via Proton at this time, as far as we know (to start with, there is no way to authenticate when not using the unofficial launcher). You have to launch it via the unofficial launcher, which uses Wine rather than Proton. I wrote a more detailed guide on Reddit of how to do this:
It cannot be run in game mode currently, but you can launch it from desktop mode on the Steam Deck (SteamOS).
Game can't get further than initial load screen
gamemoderun %command%
I tried different version from GE and the official but I could at most get to the initial loading screen even though it worked before.
Athough the game launches, the login prompt gets stuck on "please reload the page" forever upon attempting to log in
Not Working

The game starts under Linux Steam Client but it fails when loggin in.
The game starts under Linux Steam Client but it fails when loggin in.
It appears a window telling that it can't find an application to open an url like "...epicgames.com/activate?-userCode=X".
Some user says that, after las update, it works with steam deck, but i think it doesn't work with desktop steam client. Can you help me, please?
Thank you and regards.
Last update fixes running on Steam Deck, no more issues!
v7.1.1 fixes the account login issue, gameplay is smooth and works as it did before
No issues with solo or group play in various modes
This game used to work before, but ever since the Epic Account integration, Knockout City has been unable to login. I get a netcode error.
It launches, but logging in and accessing the main menu is impossible. This is because the servers were migrated to Epic. On Windows, the Epic overlay opens during login. This overlay doesn't appear on the Deck.
it's unplayable and throws a net error 1.208#1018 migrating your account on windows, then going back to Linux don't resolve the problem
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 DXVK_ASYNC=1 ForceCompositionPipeline=1 mangohud gamemoderun %command%
since update 7.1
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
The multiplayer mode runs as if the game was native to Linux.
When starting the game it gives a Vulkan initialization error. To solve this I changed the proton version to 7.0-4 and set the launch options to DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%.
It's playable but it has to be launched from desktop mode, otherwise game will simply crash
Validating local files
Could play without a problem on the official servers
There was an error that "vulkan couldn't be initializerd" which was a supposably a error while downloading the game, as validating the files fixed it
The only issue I had is that I had to go to Desktop Mode to launch the game. This did not allow any of the overlays from Gaming Mode on Steam Deck
I was running SteamOS 3.3 at time when I was playing the game.
It crashes with an error that Vulkan could not be initialized. The game worked perfectly on Deck before Steam OS 3.3. It no longer works in Gaming mode, regardless of Proton version. However, some people are reporting that it still works in Desktop mode.
It's basically the same
Just perfect
I tried the 3v3 which sometimes matchmaking matches me and my friend with a bot and in the other team 2 enemies are real players and they have a bot too, idk if its a problem with the game but there is that. I could perfectly invite my friend that plays from a windows pc without a problem
Works perfectly.
Game just won't work well, even at the lowest setting the game will drop frame and stutter if the camera is moved too fast.
Game is a stutterfest no matter the setting or the proton version used
Stutterfest, something is def' wrong with the deck and this game
For now, the game is just unpleasant to play on deck.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
no problems with anticheat
I had better performance with proton experimental
After the latest game update, the game works very well with the latest nvidia driver
I have noticed no noticable perfomance issues. The game runs fine, I can switch to other windows normally, and there were no problems with the anti-cheat.
I just enabled compatibility mode, and the default option (proton experimental) worked perfectly. I played 3 hours with my friend, and so far had 0 problems.
Can't properly switch to any other program while in borderless or fullscreen
Switch to Proton Experimental. Online worked fine. No EasyAnticheat problems so far
It does not work at all
After pressing play the EAC loading bar shows up, and then the game shows a black screen and closes after a couple of seconds. It does this with every proton version, including Glorious Eggroll.

I played a match and it worked absolutely great.
The tutorial worked just fine and it does not have local multiplayer so thats why i said no on that one.
Knockout City TRIAL I had not tested the full game as i did not buy it.
Game opens, shows EAC loading screen, then shows EA originals screen and crashes
I didn't find any issue. Origin love to show my FPS in a small window in middle of screen, but you can minimize it if you click somewhere.
Works with old nvidia driver
Window switching can cause the game to blackscreen.
The latest nvidia driver 510 does not work.
Nvidia driver 470 works.

Easy Anti Cheat support was added to the game
The game requires to use Proton Experimental bleeding edge branch or else it won't launch. After the game launches it shows a blue background in my case and then crashes.
Game crashes on the Easy Anti Cheat loding

Easy Anti-Cheat still borked
Easy Anti-Cheat still borked :( Tried Proton-6.3-7 and Proton-Experimental just in case the EAC got an update. Alas, no :(
Error message on launch.

Easy Anti Cheat