Significant fps loss, but playable with better video cards.
Game only runs at ~30 fps on the absolutely lowest settings. My video card is not that good, but the game definitely preforms better on Windows.
Can't properly switch to any other program while in borderless or fullscreen
It does not work at all
After pressing play the EAC loading bar shows up, and then the game shows a black screen and closes after a couple of seconds. It does this with every proton version, including Glorious Eggroll.
Pretty much perfect.
Very rare crashes when changing some of the settings. Not a big problem.
Works pretty much perfectly. Honestly it feels like it works better then on Windows.
The game crashes after a few seconds every time I alt-tab out.
Works almost perfectly with almost no problems.
Very rare crashes. Slight stuttering during loading and sometimes in menus.
There is a native version, but the newest DLC is not available. Has to be played through Proton to get the full experience.
Runs perfectly. Problem with one level.
As others have said, chapter 4 does not work. Nothing the others said helped. I switched to Windows for that one level. All the other levels work.
Proton-6.19-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Used newest version of GloriousEggroll (6.19-GE-2)
Crashes when connecting to multiplayer game.
Online does not connect with any standard proton version. Online does connect with the GloriousEggroll version. I am able to join a lobby, and people are able to join me, but the game crashes when the game is started.