The game installs and starts, but freezes on loading the main menu.
Xbox One bt controller was recognized and is highly recommended over mouse and keyboard to play the game.
None of the tweaks or tricks that worked for others worked for me. The game complains that DirectX is not installed with the boot options
Graphics settings on low on a 12700K and RTX 3080, single digit FPS
Anything about "Low" graphics settings would crash the game to desktop
The /etc/hosts update listed in other reviews bypasses the ea.com timeout
Be careful not to set graphical settings too high (too much VRAM) as the game will crash instantly, and you'll need to reset the game config files to try a less demanding mixture of settings.
Will run on 6.3-3 with modified launch
Will run on 6.3-3 but as many others have said, to join a game you must add this to the launch:
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="mfplay.dll=d" %command%
After reading about blue screen issues with OpenGL, I started the game with DirectX, and set everything to their highest graphical settings. No blue screen etc. 64 fps with a 60 fps target (RTX 3080)
Works right out of the box. A SNES USB controller worked flawlessly and is highly recommended for a better experience vs M+K.
Same issue as reported previously, not compatible with Nvidia 460.x drivers
Ground textures missing and night was black/white inverted
Game crashes when clicking "play"
The game starts but crashes to desktop whenever you wish to start a game.
Launches and runs, but cut scenes are garbled.
Videos are garbled including videos "watched" by the character (i.e. television sets)
Enjoy if you don't mind no more multiplayer lobby
Rocket League left Steam and went to Tencent owned Epic Game Store, leaving no more online lobby. This removes most of the point of playing this game unless you are doing local multiplayer.
Game repeatedly crashes before actual gameplay in Linux Native. Switching to Proton and running the Windows version worked perfectly.
Works with sound fix found below on 6.3-3
Add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=90 %command% to start command
Game averaged 15 frames per second on medium settings