Slownes when loadinga a map or elements
Slowness when loading a map or elements in some cases
Since recent updates the game won't start
Using the native Linux version
Now multiplayer have issues entering game rooms, takes too long
Multiplayer works (no sound for me) - Singleplayer don't start
To prevent "Missing Files" error cancel the Epic Online Services installation when the game is starting.
The game won't start, showing a "Missing Files" error, but there is a workaround
The game get stuck on "Creating Villagers". Apparently the main game can't connect with the local server its uses to manage the AI.
It does not start. It showed a window with an 3D avatar inside, but only once. Since then no window is shown.
When starting the desktop version: the cover image shows, and immediately crashes.
Error: LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 671] D3DCommandQueue->GetClickCalibration(&GPUTimestamp,&CPUTimestamp) filed at I:/Workpace/Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12DirectCommandListManager.cpp:490 with error 80004001
When starting the desktop version: the cover image shows, and immediately crashes.
With standard configuration: Error: LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 671] D3DCommandQueue->GetClickCalibration(&GPUTimestamp,&CPUTimestamp) filed at I:/Workpace/Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12DirectCommandListManager.cpp:490 with error 80004001
Forcing Proton Experimental: Not even the cover shows, and a different error appears: DX12 is not supported on your system. Try running without the -dx13 or -d3d12 command line argument.
Worked only the first time I ran it.
Stutering when loading new elements
Only worked the first time, since then the game is not launching
It worked for me the first time, showing some errors on the Origin installation. But I was unable to launch the game again, it just installs again Origin and after that Steam says the game is running, but nothing happens.
Minor issues, stutering and some missing images (skills preview)
Some stutering when loading elements
Make sure to not change the configuration on Origin installation. Any change would make the game not run beyond the first time.
So far is not working. It immediately shuts down. Also it can't update, resulting in a window named "Sansar Updater" with the following error: "Timeout waiting for window to load"
The game is marked as "Running", but nothing happens. It showed a window, with Sansar logo inside, but only once.
I haven't tested singleplayer. Multiplayer only works if the Linux machine creates the session.
Using Wacom tablet
Cannot join multiplayer games
The game did not closed after quitting
Cannot connect to Multiplayer games