Change Proton version to Hotfix, then the game launches without blackscreen.
With MSAA enabled, the game has artifacting. Happens on Windows 10 too and is a known bug on Intel Arc that needs fixing in drivers.
As long as you don't plan on using MSAA, you'll be fine.
Constant freezing the next time I play the game. It only happens after I click my mouse one time. Often it freezes so bad I have to restart.
Freezing is a dealbreaker. If somebody has a fix for it, make it clear in report.
So, from my last review. I had cleaned my computer and ofc, moving parts around it. It resulted in the UEFI/bios settings reseting, which ofc meant that Above 4G Decoding and ReBar being turned off, which are essential to be on for Arc graphics cards.
gamemoderun %command%
I used Proton instead of native version because native has worse perfrormance.
gamemoderun gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -r 165 -- %command%
Fullscreen didn't fill the whole display, so I had to use gamescope.
Around 40% less fps than I would get on Windows
Game crashed twice when trying with latest Proton 9 version.
Was a little bit surprised it ran as well as it ran. Expected lower framerate, given the situtation on ANV performance being horrible.
enabled GameMode in Heroic (gamemoderun %command% on steam)
Other than the game separating me from other lobby, which happens on Windows too, I didn't experience any issues
Works as well as on Windows
Rockstar Games launcher is broken....
gamemoderun %command%
The game doesn't launch on my system with any proton version. I tried proton 8, proton experimental, proton GE and none of them worked. I even deleted the prefix. I heard though, the issue might be caused by Heroic itself, and not the game.
gamemoderun gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -r 165 -f %command%
Without gamescope enabled, the game would snap my mouse weirdly whenever aiming.
Other than GTA Online being GTA Online, no problems at all.
Atleast on Hyprland, all Rockstar titles have some sort of mouse issues for me. This is fixed by enabling gamescope.
gamemoderun VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11 %command%
Ray Tracing is broken and performance is cut in half compared to Windows
If you use an Intel Arc or any other GPU based on Intel's XE architecture, you'll have a hard time playing the game with Windows performance. DX12 performance in general is horrible on GNU/Linux with Intel Arc hardware, so you need to wait for their new Xe driver.
VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr12 VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12 gamemoderun gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -f
Light sources emit rainbow colors on surfaces. Don't know why and couldn't fix it. Most notisable on Hawkes Bay
The launcher doesn't take any mouse input without gamescope.
Not ready yet. I tested it on the i915 driver, not the xe one
I even installed mods. However, the official modloader tutorial for Linux doesn't work, as it breaks mouse and makes the game lag.
gamemoderun %command%
On Hyprland, leaving the windowed mode setting on launches the game in windowed, but clicking on the button under the early access notifier makes the game fullscreen. The same happens when disabling windowed mode but the other way around.
Used to run
gamemoderun %command%
The game used to run a week ago, but stopped working
This game runs with some tinkering. Fps dropped 20 or so compared to windows, but still runs above 60fps at ultra with resolution scale 1.2x
gamemoderun %command%
Made a file called user.cfg to fix performance issues. Other people have already pointed that out.
Tunnels have broken shaders. I don't know why.
The game doesn't start the first time without changing to proton 7.0-6. Ea app just hangs and refuses to install unless done so.
gamemoderun %command%
Missing grass textures but might just be an Intel or a DXVK problem.
The flickering inside tunnels is gone. Idk if it was fixed by newer drivers or a newer proton version.
env --unset=SDL_VIDEODRIVER %command%
If you play under wayland like I did, you need to set the launch option. Unless done so, the game wont launch.
With default settings and no launch commands the game stuttered. Setting DXVK to async fixes it.
Crashed once without launch commands
You need to use Windows version with Proton cause support for the Linux version has ended
Yes, I think people who bought this game would have a great experience playing on GNU/Linux
gamemoderun %command%
Other than the dealership being unplayable, no
Use DX11 version for launching
Pretty much all maps had broken shaders or weird artifacts.
Fps drops to 15 or lower in some cases. Especiall when looking at teammates
Laggy and broken. Works on Windows though with fouble the frame rate
force_vk_vendor=-1 %command%
Small performance hit. Most noticeable in the police station.
force_vk_vendor=-1 is necessary, as otherwise the game will crash. Don't know why, but most likely it doesn't recognize the GPU. DX12 mode refuses to run as it found no DX12 compatible GPU.
gamemoderun %command% -vulkan -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -cpuLoadRebalancing-ignorepipelinecache
Couldn't fullscreen nor set borderless. Both resulted in crash. Borderless works now so idk what I did.
Well, works well enough. I don't know about the bad performance part. It might be low just because I have a bottleneck in my system.
A little bit of stuttering in the beginning
gamemoderun %command% -eac_launcher
LIterally unplayable on Intel Arc A770 16GB. Runs at 26fps on average. Happens also on Windows.
Do I need to even say anything....
It's Intel, always Intel with their crappy drivers. Anyways, here's the link for the exact symptoms I had:
gamemoderun gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -f %command%
Game had issue capturing mouse input properly. Fixed with gamescope.
Game refuses to launch if not using proton versions lower than 9, such as 8 or GE-Proton8