The game gets stuck with a black screen and very high load after the intel logo.
Looks like fur and some other parts have some minor graphical (light/reflection?) glitches. Haven't tried to change this by altering the in-game settings.
The game works OOTB without any modifications on my system. It is ultra-smooth in 3840x2160 with maximal settings (default/autodetected). Only played ~30 minutes so far.
(I use steamtinkerlaunch with disabled SLR globally by default, but no special tinkering was required)
last time I tried it didn't work at all but looks like some recent proton fixed the issue. with proton 4.11-3 (not yet in the drop down menu) the game works excellent!
The game (steam version) works ootb without any modifications. No idea if my hardware should be powerful enough to play the game smoothly on 3840x2160 with max settings, but I had to reduce the quality to get a good playable preformance. Even with reduced settings the game looks still excellent, so no big loss.
the game worked perfectly ootb here. haven't played very far yet, but it seems to be a very nice game. pretty sure you'll like it when you liked Moss
gave it just a quick try. it is playable ootb but jitters a bit in the menu (not in game). haven't touched any settings
with previous proton versions this was unplayable. now it worked flawlessly ootb. I only played until I reached the first save chrystal though.
last time I tried, it had audio issues, now it works very good. I also enabled several VR in compatdata/611660/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Fallout4VR/plugins.txt if you use index knuckles controllers you very likely want to use this openvr_api.dll override, because with default knuckles config it is unplayable:
By default the game refuses to start, because of the wmv intro video!
This can be circumvented by
- extracting (cabextract) and copying "WMASF.DLL" and "WMVCORE.DLL" from Microsofts WMP10 Installer "MP10Setup" (removed upstream!)
- and starting the game exe "GSGameExe.exe" directly instead of the (forced) game launcher. This can be done easily by using steamtinkerlaunch
For details see this summary on the proton issue
By default the game refuses to start, because of the wmv intro video!
This can be circumvented by
extracting (cabextract) and copying "WMASF.DLL" and "WMVCORE.DLL" from Microsofts WMP10 Installer "MP10Setup" (removed upstream!) into the game directory (besides the "GSGameExe.exe")
and starting the game exe "GSGameExe.exe" directly instead of the (forced) game launcher. This can be done easily by using steamtinkerlaunch
For details see this summary on the proton issue
no valid mapping configuration for the input controllers (Valve Index knuckles) can be found -> unplayable
SteamVR crashed after about 45 minutes playtime (when entering the train wagon)
The game worked ootb and was mostly pretty smooth. As far as I've seen it is an absolute masterpiece. Such details haven't been shown in any other vr game yet. as mentioned above SteamVR crashed after 45 minutes. haven't checked yet it this is reproducable.
A great game, which works ootb via proton! Played it about 12 hours so far and finished all levels (including the dlc), but will play many more hours for sure, because it is fun. I hate soccer btw!
The original exe doesn't work because of CEG DRM. The cracked exe mentioned in other reports is suspected to have a virus - nothing what I would use in combination with my steam account! You can use the exe from gog though. Simply copy over the whole "retail" directory from the gog installation into your gamedir and start retail/HMA.exe instead of the original HMA.exe (override f.e. with
Haven't tried the VR mode. Normal mode worked ootb using 'proton-6.3-6b'
The game works excellent without any issues using proton-6.3-4. (this is the original game version, the rewritten game is not available yet)
works excellent ootb. very nice gfx, but just little interaction. Only "played" about 20 minutes though.
The mafia2.exe shipped from steam doesn't work because of CEG drm. you can use the binary from gog (+ common.dll and Galaxy.dll as the exe depends on it) but there is also a compatible mafia2.exe in the huge and new Old Time Reality Mod ( which you probably want to install anyway!
make sure to set PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1, else the game will crash randomly because of too many files open
absymal ootb performance
4k resolution, disabling several efects in game didn't solve it.
The Launcher.exe looks very broken. There are multiple reports that it is detected as a virus under windows. On Proton it does not even start. Also installing the dotnet452 dependency via winetricks doesn't get it to work - it loops forever then. I replaced the launcher.exe with the run script which is created with PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS=1 and replaced the DEF_CMD with ... "pc/Mafia II Definitive Edition.exe" and the cd line with ... "pc" (I guess you know what I mean) Suprisingly the script is accepted as main launcher.exe (could come in handy with other games as well)
the origin Crash was fixed with proton-5.0-9. I tried with a clean wineprefix. installation of dependencies worked fine, but origin was idling (see ). after a new start the game started sucessfully ootb.
it works excellent and ootb. looks like a very nice program to learn languages.
previous version worked fine, but the release since v1.0 the game didn't accept any input. Now with proton 4.11-12 this issue is fixed and the game is fully playable!
before Proton 4.11-12 the game didn't accept any controller input on the main menu. Now it works as expected and seems to be fully playable!
The game doesn't ship correct Index/knuckles mappings. This is not proton related. Switching to the community bindings by "seano" fixes this issue.
The game works fine (it didn't some months back, the other report is correct). Used 'proton-6.3-4' via stl.
it works excellent ootb! also setting up the real plank works as it should.
the intro video requires installation of Media Foundation, else you just get a white square. haven't checked if the game would continue after the video is over without installing mf.
apart from the additional mf installation the game works excellent and without any further modifications
"Best" graphics settings freeze the game while loading. "Good" works excellent without any glitches. haven't checked the settings in detail.
The game works great ootb. Only played 15 minutes tutorial, but everything worked excellent!
Depending on the gfx settings (looks like mostly depends on ambient occlusion and light settings) there might be a strange grid overlayed over the graphics. Looks like it disappears kind of randomly when changing some settings. Apart from that everything runs ultra smooth in 3840x2160@60 with everything maxed out.
Apart from the grid gfx glitch it seems to work perfectly ootb. (as usual I used steamtinkerlaunch with disabled SLR, but no special tinkering was required).
Update for my previous report: The game doesn't have any graphical glitches, this was a problem on my end. The game doesn't exit properly though and needs to be kill switched.
the game launches only successful when launched with the "-onethread" commandline parameter. else it crashes with a "fatal error". VR has to be already running. If it is not running it will try to start it itself, will fail and will launch the game in pancake window mode (here -onethread is not necessary and it runs smooth). with "-onethread" in VR mode it is unplayable slow.
commandline parameter "-onethread" required
"-onethread" commandline option required to get the game even working. previously (under nvidia rtx 2080) the game was unplayable with just one thread enabled. I switched to amdgpu (radeon vii) recently and the game is very good playable (onethread still required). not everything full fps but still a very enjoyable game!
the game works ootb (bought it just a few days ago and it didn't work at that time, so maybe proton or nvidia-drivers related) it has pretty long loading times with a black screen in between. I think it is either creating shader cache or it tries to get online and times out.
the game works excellent ootb. it is very well done, but target gamers are clearly kids
some month ago it didn't work. now it works great without any tweaks
The game does not even start, as a RTWorkQ.DLL is missing.
short snip from PROTON_LOG: 856.043:0031:0032:err:module:import_dll Library RTWorkQ.DLL (which is needed by L"Z:\media\B4-1\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\TWDSaintsAndSinners\TWD\Binaries\Win64\TWD-Win64-Shipping.exe") not found
the default knuckles settings were not used. so I got stuck in the main menu. My hands or controllers were not visible as well. I had to load a custom community setting (via SteamVR dashboard) which fixed that for that session. after a 2nd start of the game, the settings were gone, and I wasn't able to load other settings (probably SteamVR dashboard bug, and not a game bug).
Proton 5.0-3 got a special "Fix crash on launch in The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners" and the game is playable very fine, when the knuckles are detected correcty (see above). I hope the knuckles problem will be fixed as well.
on release this was unplayable on linux, but the game got a major performance patch rewrite with a new engine and tons of fixes on may 5th 2020 (before test in beta branch) and it works great now! no tweaks required, it works ootb.
everything worked ootb. only played about 10 minutes, but it looks like a perfectly polished lemmings-style vr game.
the game gets past the origin crash since proton 5.0-9, but the game itself gets stuck in a black screen
the games requires origin which is broken under proton currently. you have to remove kernel32.dll from your wineprefix like described in this bug report: in order to get a screen you also have to disable winegstreamer dll (f.e. via winetricks) and install quartz, f.e. via protontricks: protontricks 1225570 quartz
it tries to install dotnet472 as dependency and fails, but installing it via protontricks doesn't help as well. it silently crashes. would have been interesting to play normal games with reshade and superdepth3d.fx shader with the vive in vr. maybe bigscreen works one day good enough to get it running.
the game works excellent ootb. No modifications required. The author also mentioned a "-vulkan" commandline option, which didn't work here yet. No big deal, as dxvk does a great job, but the author was interested in the minidump and tries to fix the vulkan option.