Framerate can drop from 90/100 range to around 20 when firing a weapon, it appears that the muzzle flash is the cause.
Multiplayer was available but no joiners in my case, played primarily by myself with Bot's
Oddly enough for the most part the game would not run under native linux, did start once or twice and wouldnt recognize my XBox controller.
Runs well under proton, will try Native Linux again after a few updates and see how it goes.
Game runs really well, I can't notice (feels the same, no FPS data) any difference from when I played it on Windows 10.
Loading times are the only thing that's noticeably different (Longer) than Windows 10, I just this down to a result of a little more setup time required with Proton and it's components.
Installed and Ran no problems at all other than enabling compatibility in Steam
White Screen on Launcher, I was able to resolve with the following "DXVK_FRAME_RATE=63 %command% --disable-gpu" added to the Steam Launch Options for the game. Once i was able to pass the launcher all else appeared to work perfectly.
Now fixed once the BattlEye/EAC teams got on board with linux support
Occasionally my keyboard was not recognized when starting the game, a restart of the game seems to fix.
So far game is playable on my system, just not as smooth as windows
Textures appear to come in and out of focus, this is intermittent and does not prevent game play so far.
Game runs a little slow and stutters
enjoyable experience is a relative term, mostly people will be pleased