Runs great, controller reccomended, may have had to switch to fullscreen first time.
Window pops up and closes immediately.
Tried with proton experimental as well, same behavior.
I get the launcher then nothing
Installs some dotnet stuff, then I get the launcher which sounds like it might be an improvement based on past reports. After the launcher nothing happens.
Works perfectly
Controller recommended, steam controller works well for me. Its hard to get into a game, often need to sit there waiting for other players but once in game multiplayer is solid. Waiting for other players issue is due to popularity.
Seems to run perfectly using a steam controller although I get the impression it may be more suited to regular controllers.
Consistent 60 fps with all setting max but annoying lag in large battles. Everything seems to work. Stable, 1 freeze in 30 hours of play.
Performance probably not as good as windows (don't have windows so can't tell for sure).
Just works, multiplayer very solid 64 hours playtime.
65 Hours playtime with plenty of 1v1 and 2v2
I do get some screen tearing in some of the non gaming screens, setting vsync doesn;t seem to fix it. No issues in game though
Works great except entering fullscreen but its an easy workaround
I could not get into fullscreen but then I found a method that is easy and works every time. After starting, go to Settings, Video and change the resolution to something lower and then back to your resolution. When returning to the correct resolution it will enter fullscreen properly. This has worked reliably for me every time.
Tried multiplayer but could not find players. Used steam controller, works great. Maintains 60fps pretty consistently on my machine.
Runs great with audio and controller support
I tried to run this game natively but I had no sound and it did not recognise my controller. Switching to proton fixed the sound and the game recognised I was using a controller.
Runs fine but Nvidia overlay reports its running GL at 10 FPS. For this kind of game its still quite playable and responsive at this frame rate but the lip sync does seem a bit "off". Compared with a native putt-putt game and the native game runs at 60 FPS (both vsync on).
Seems to work just fine.
Got past the initial loading screen this time. Needed to get through a few tutorials before the settings menu was available for changing resolution and quality settings.
Works great
Compared to my last report I played with a ps4 controller. Twin stick controllers are recommended and the ps4 controller worked perfectly for me.
Worked perfectly with steam controller
Did not start in fullscreen at the start, went into settings and turned it off and on again and it was fine
Works perfectly for me, great game, great performance, no bugs
The CSS in the launcher fails to load so it looks like a 1995 web site, I don't consider this a real issue though, just click start! Reading recent reports I was surprised everything worked so smoothly for me. I can even alt tab return to the game and continue. I am also using headphone audio with no performance issues. The one time I used the browser in the steam overlay however I did loose mouse focus and could not get it back requiring a restart.
Runs very well as long as you know how to get around the freeze bugs
Freezes game when loading save game
- Cut-scene videos in the campaign freeze the game [hit ESC to skip]
- Gets stuck on First Blood splash screen when starting [Quit this window and main game will start]
- Gets stuck when quitting [
pkill Steel
in a shell]
The game itself runs very well. You just need to know how to avoid the game freezing when loading a game, playing videos or quitting. These are easy to avoid/work around so you can still have a great time playing this game.
Seems to work perfectly without tweaks, frame rate is fine (consistent 60 using vsync because of tearing). Works perfectly with Steam controller or keyboard.
Black screen, sound plays in loop
Could not access overlay or alt tab to kill game. Had to ssh in and pkill steam
Good single play experience except I had to re enter fullscreen every so often.
The game would randomly exit fullscreen usually when loading levels but also during gameplay. This meant I had to alt tab back to the game to get it back into fullscreen. Annoying but not a deal breaker.
The fullscreen issues I experienced seem to be associated with the origin wine taskbar but I'm not 100% sure. The other issue to note is you need to create an EA origin account before you can start playing. This is annoying.
Runs well including online co-op
One crash with some sort of lua sound error, pretty sure this one happens in windows as well.
Skipping the initial video doesn't seem to work (I think it worked the first time). Once I spawned under a building and could not join my party, pretty sure this is a bug on windows as well. Not a lot of players but I played at least 5 co-op games with other players without any issues. Run without Launcher must be selected when launching the game, regular run does not work.